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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Hey Micky! Hey Micky! [Jan. 15th, 2010|04:36 pm]
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who: Michael ([info]swordinhand) & Adam ([info]rishon).
what: Adam "summons" Michael, since the angel wanted to chat.
when: One of these days, in the mid-afternoon.
where: Eve's apartment.
warning: Adam's potty mouth.

Oh Micky, you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind. )
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[Jan. 5th, 2010|11:06 pm]
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[Current Mood |amused]

Who: Adam and Lilibeth, mentions of Lilith and Saleos
What: Breakfast meetings
Where: Lilith's kitchen
When: The morning after Adam and Lilith 'reconnected'
Warnings: Bratty Lilim meets the first man.

Oh, like how all girls who go to Catholic schools are lesbians or sluts? )
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[Jan. 5th, 2010|01:45 am]
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who: Charybdis ([info]unchained_tides), Adam ([info]rishon).
what: Sushi!
when: Monday night. (Completed)
where: Some sushi place.
warnings: Some maek-outz, nothing heavy.

Pissed. )
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[Apr. 2nd, 2009|10:43 pm]

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Who: Adam and Eve
Where: The New York Botanical Gardens
When: Thursday evening after closing
What: Reunion!
Warnings: Um. Excessive cuteness?

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[Mar. 15th, 2009|01:31 am]

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Who: Adam and Eve
Where: A cafe near Adam's apartment
When: 8 o'clock in the morning
Warnings: Um... really awkward conversation?

What if she wouldn't want to see him, what if things didn't work out, what if what if what if...  )
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