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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Apr. 7th, 2009|02:44 pm]

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Who: Adonis and College
Where: Central Park
When: Sunset
Warnings: Possible drug use, alcohol use, language.

Deep purples mixed with navy blues and blood reds to create a cacophony of mournful, disappointed colour. )
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[Apr. 5th, 2009|10:02 pm]
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Who: College and Adonis
What: A visit
When: Sunday night
Where: College's dorm
Warnings: Here be dragons

Poor Jeanette. )
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[Apr. 4th, 2009|02:27 am]
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Who: Jord and Adonis.
What: Jord is fucking pissed.
Where: Central Park
When: 3 am, saturday morning.

Every sweet spring day was countered by a violent, life-giving storm, and the flip side of her tender affections lay in her utter rage... )
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[Apr. 3rd, 2009|05:06 pm]

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Who: Adonis and College
Where: Central Park
When: Afternoon
Warnings: Drug use, possible language.

Adonis smiled as he lost himself in the sun and in compartmentalization. )
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[Apr. 1st, 2009|06:11 pm]

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Who: Adonis and College
Where: Random house party
When: Evening
Warnings: Drugs, possible minor violence, language, alcohol, minor sexuality.

Deep brown for the lover, bright green for the hunter and ice blue for the youth. )
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|12:27 pm]

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Who: Adonis and Jord
Where: Crappy motel, New Jersey
When: Afternoon
Warnings: Alcohol, language, slightly crazy!Adonis

There yet, some say, in secret he does ly, Lapped in flowres and pretious spycery, By her hid from the world, and from the skill Of Stygian Gods, which doe her loue enuy;

But she her selfe, when euer that she will, Possesseth him, and of his sweetnesse takes her fill. )
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|11:02 pm]
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Who: College and Icarus
What: "Isaac" visits "Dean" in his dorm.
When: Very late Saturday night, possibly Sunday morning, after this.
Where: College's dorm room

He wiggled his toes as he read. )
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[Mar. 28th, 2009|06:04 pm]
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Who: College and Adonis
When: Saturday night
Where: Unspecified frat house
Warnings: Adonis may be taken but College is not.

I got this, man. )
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[Mar. 18th, 2009|01:58 pm]

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Who: Adonis and Jord
Where: Hay-Adams hotel, Washington DC.
When: Late Wednesday evening
Warnings: Sexuality.

Adonis had stared at the letter in shock for a good half an hour before springing into action. )
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[Mar. 15th, 2009|02:01 am]

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Who: Adonis and Myrrha
Where: Abandoned clearing, Central Park
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: Heartbreaking happiness.

I love you, Mother. I hope you would love me too, even though we will never meet. )
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[Feb. 28th, 2009|08:38 pm]
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Who: Adonis and Jord
What: Celebration!
When: Friday night.
Where: Jord's apartment briefly then a jaunt to Boston.
Warnings: Maybe some. Who knows. Nothing horrid.

She could count among her allies the motherfucking Internet. What reason was there to sulk around the house? )
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[Feb. 26th, 2009|09:30 am]
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Who: Adonis and Jord.
When: The day that Odin came, late night.
Where: Jord's apartment.
Warnings: ....Rage? Childishness? Rampant jealousy? Language? Potential bat-shit Jord?

A frigid wind cut through the city, an ice-cold rain fell on the streets... )
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|04:36 pm]
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Who: Persephone and Adonis
Where: Her Gift Shop
When: Evening
What: Meeting and venting
Warning(s): Alcohol use

It's been awhile. )
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[Feb. 24th, 2009|02:55 pm]
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Who: Odin, Jord and Adonis
What: Odin reunites with Jord with Adonis still in her residence
When: Tuesday night
Warnings: Language?

For some reason he was reluctant. )
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[Feb. 24th, 2009|10:05 am]
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Who: Jord and Adonis
What: Jord comes home from The Highway quite weakened and explains the new dangers.
When: Tuesday morning, about 6 am
Warnings: Language, maybe.

To any mortal, she would have looked barking mad.  )
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[Feb. 20th, 2009|12:10 am]

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Who: Adonis and Jord
Where: Jord's apartment
When: Evening
Warnings: Language, alcohol.

All they cared about were their positions of favour, their little games that ruined lives, and keeping their power. )
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[Feb. 17th, 2009|01:22 pm]
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Who: Jord and Adonis
What: Jord is pissed. And Scared. Shit will break, storms will rage, and Adonis will...probably be frightened.
When: Monday Night.
Where: Jord's apartment
Warnings: Language is likely? Who knows what else?

... )
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[Feb. 12th, 2009|12:50 pm]

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Who: Jord and Adonis
Where: Jord's apartment
When: Late Thursday evening
Warnings: Alcohol, a multitude of happiness.

there was nothing but excitement, but openness, but light and freedom and love and the beautiful green of nature. )
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[Feb. 9th, 2009|06:56 pm]
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Who: Jord and Adonis. XD Again.
What: Uhm. Some VERY good news.
When: Friday, about two am.
Where: Jord's apartment.
Warnings: uhm. Language?

They had accomplished together what he never could have on his own... )
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[Feb. 6th, 2009|02:56 pm]

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Who: Adonis and Jord
Where: Car, Jord's apartment
When: After the meeting
Warnings/Ratings: Should be rather tame.

Wherever she was, she walked free and Adonis couldn't help but let a little laugh escape from between his lips. )
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