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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Jul. 26th, 2010|05:54 pm]

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[Current Mood |stressed]

WHO: Patroclus and Achilles
WHEN: Sunday, 25th July
WHERE: Patroclus' Apartment
WHAT: Patroclus returns after his night with Helen, possibly to a fight because these boys are overridden with testosterone amirite?
WARNINGS: Language?

You can take the boy out of the war... )
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|07:13 am]

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WHO: Briseis [Narrative] open to Achilles & Patroclus
WHEN: 19th - 24th July
WHERE: Patroclus' apartment
WHAT: The slow movements of grief, guilt, and memory

Love is a sadness with a face )
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In a place we'd know from tears... [Jul. 22nd, 2010|01:24 pm]

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[Current Music |"I Will Find You" by Clannad]

Who: Achilles and Thetis (open to Patroclus and Briseis and later Helen if she likes--I guess we start with those two and then the others come in when they're at/in the apartment. Any posting order you want after that! XD)
What: Achilles goes to visit with Briseis at Patroclus' place, Thetis coming with.
Where: Patroclus' apartment
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: TBD

The only association he had to grief was anger. )
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[Jul. 17th, 2010|09:32 pm]

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WHO: Briseis (and then Achilles and Patroclus)
WHEN: Wednesday night through to Friday night
WHERE: An unnamed Las Vegas hospital and hotel
WHAT: The aftermath of Set's attack [directly after this]
WARNINGS: talk of violence

But you can't shake this feeling that your life is just a game of chess where ancient gods and devils fight... )
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Take the world and fold me in, free the soul behind the sin [Jul. 11th, 2010|10:36 pm]

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[Current Music |"Open My Eyes" by The Rasmus]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor  and Thetis [info]silver_footed 
What: Mother and son meet again after years of her being absent.
Where: Achilles' office
When: Monday afternoon

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Why am I bleeding in my, bleeding on my soul... [Jul. 5th, 2010|11:18 am]


Who: Achilles [Narrative] [info]chink_in_armor[info]
What: The day rings in independence for the country, but memories for Achilles. PTSD rears its ugly head.
Where: Achilles' apartment
When: Sunday, the 4th of July
Warnings: Some implications of violence and blood.

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[Jul. 1st, 2010|02:54 pm]
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[Current Music |"Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" - Tomoyasu Hotei]

Who: Helen & Achilles, Briseis, Patroclus (and some NPCs)
Where: Central Park, then The Palace Royal Suite
When: Thursday morning, 6:30 AM
Rating/Warnings: TBD

i hit it full throttle, didn't think i could do it, cause i look like a model )
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|08:25 pm]

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[Current Mood |annoyed]

Who: Achilles, Helen and appearance of Patroclus
What: Helen invites Achilles for drinks, Achilles takes the challenge, though he just needs to blow off some steam.
Where: Local bar that Patroclus works for.
When: Monday evening.
Warnings: None as far as I know.

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[Jun. 27th, 2010|09:30 pm]

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Who: Achilles and Patroclus
When: Sunday night
Where: The bar Patroclus works at.
What: A concerned Achilles comes to see his friend.
Warnings: None

There was a lot laying inside the brooding warrior's mind, and Patroclus' silence only further placed his thoughts in turmoil. )
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Give me a reason, why would you want me to live and die, living a lie... [Jun. 17th, 2010|12:34 pm]

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[Current Music |"Justify" by The Rasmus]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Briseis [info]spoil_of_war
What: Achilles can't stay away and goes for a visit
When: Thursday evening
Where: Briseis and David's apartment
Warnings: TBD

So close, so far, I'm lost in time... )
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[Jun. 15th, 2010|07:26 am]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor, Patroclus [info]borrowed_armor and Briseis [info]spoil_of_war (any posting order, since I fail at keeping it)
What: Celebratory drinks
When: Monday evening
Where: Local NY bar
Warnings: TBD

He may pick up a drink to that... )
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[Jun. 12th, 2010|02:31 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Kismine [info]dreambound

What: First night since the coma that Achilles has slept unpeacefully
Where: Texas, Movicon,
When: Saturday night, June 12th
Warnings: None

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[Jun. 12th, 2010|01:36 pm]

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Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and Helen [info]thisissparta [and small appearance from Kenneth]
What: Helen comes to the convention to see the famed Achilles speak
Where: Texas, Movicon
When: Backdated Friday, June 11th
Warnings: None

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[Jun. 3rd, 2010|01:14 pm]

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Who: Achilles and Kismine
What: Kismine needs to have a one-on-one talk with Achilles about herself.
Where: Achilles apartment
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: None

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[May. 27th, 2010|05:34 am]

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WHO: Briseis & Achilles
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: A small boxing gym in Lower Manhattan
WHAT: Achilles is restless and Briseis wants a chance to fight him.
WARNINGS: Light violence, but only of the friendly kind.

Disarm you with a smile )
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[May. 25th, 2010|11:45 pm]
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Who: Achilles and Kenneth Rhodes
What: Kenneth throws in the towel.
Where: Kenneth's office
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: : <

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[May. 18th, 2010|03:01 pm]


Who: Achilles [Narrative]
When: Tuesday
Where: Achilles apartment, reflections of a pig-headed arrogant demi-god and what soldiers mean to him, what he is to himself as he gloats in his Vietnam uniform.
Warnings: None

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[May. 15th, 2010|11:10 pm]

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Who: Achilles and Industrial Warfare/Karl Whedon
What: Achilles is visiting the Vietnam war memorial and runs into another who finds memory with the war.
Where: Vietnam War Memorial, Washington DC
When: Monday, mid afternoon
Warnings: None

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Fear is a simple, yet strong word... [May. 13th, 2010|01:29 pm]

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[Current Music |"A Way of Life" Last Samurai Sdtrk]

Who: Achilles and Kenneth Rhodes [Closed Narrative]
What: Achilles goes to the hospital to demand his agent go home, though in the process something of a friendship unfolds and an understanding to Achilles' actions within the last few weeks.
Where: Hospital Alicia is currently at
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: None

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A way of life... [May. 10th, 2010|11:39 pm]


Who: Achilles [Narrative]
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: Achilles' apartment, a package gets sent and triggers thoughts that had been suppressed for at least a short time.
Warnings: None

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