Forgotten Gods - April 11th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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April 11th, 2010

To See a Friend Bleed to Death; [Apr. 11th, 2010|02:13 pm]
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Who: Patroclus [[info]patrocleia] & Achilles [[info]chink_in_armor]; [Closed]
What: It might hurt to see Achilles in his distraught state of mind, but it's even worse when his best friend won't open up.
Where: Achilles' apartment
When: April 11th, evening. [Following THIS post.]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for likely language, depictions of violence, etc. The usual. Probably bits of woobie in here too.

What for? Some kind of metaphor that I can't see? )
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Imminent bloodshed, if not worse. [Apr. 11th, 2010|04:04 pm]
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Who: Kumiho ([info]vexevix), Kitsune ([info]hasunix), Huli Jing ([info]xiahuxin)
In-home family time.
Where: Re: In-home. Apartment in SoHo.
When: 03.10.2010 Saturday.
Warnings: Imminent bloodshed. Probably strong language, possible allusions to drug use, ridiculously high levels of cattiness... otherwise yet to be determined.

We bring gifts of mischief, mayhem and extremely classy violence. )
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I can make you see the beauty of a new sun [Apr. 11th, 2010|07:02 pm]


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Who: Aim ([info]torchit) & Leviathan ([info]_gatekeeper_)
What: You bad boy! You go to jail! Levi's doing his job.
Where: Berith's home, Las Vegas
When: Sunday
Warnings: None.

Or I can be the source of your desperation )
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Where's My Statue? [Apr. 11th, 2010|08:42 pm]
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Who: Adrenaline and Raven
What: Chance encounter; never before met
Where: Bryant Park, NYC
When: Sunday afternoon
Ratings/Warnings: Should be fairly tame

What are the monuments to new gods? )
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[Apr. 11th, 2010|08:57 pm]
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Who: Charles and John (Atheism and Conspiracy Theories
What: Mutual exchanging of four letter words
When: Sunday night
Where: Charles' apartment

Charles was a mess, )
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[Apr. 11th, 2010|09:29 pm]

Who: Hockey narrative, tiny bit of Figure Skating at the end.
What: Hockey didn't make it into the playoffs for the first time in at least a decade.
Where: Wachovia Center, Philadelphia.
When: Early Sunday evening, during and after this.
Warnings: Language, locker room nudity, the slight bending of RL events to suit my purposes (Rangers shoot out order).

If he scored, they kept shooting. If he failed, they were out. )
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