Apr. 6th, 2012


Who: Maya and Peeta.
Where: hallway
When: Morning of Thursday. (it was meant to be up last night but I forgot)
What: His death
Why: Cause he needs updatng.
Open: no
Rating: moderate
Maya will always get you in the end. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Who: Thea Harman and Maya Dragonslayer
Where: In the house.
What: Retaliation.
When: Just after the Sunsets.
Open: To Eric later on.
Hellewise was weak because she loved, Maya loved too- but she didn’t mind sacrificing it. )

Jan. 18th, 2012


Who: Maya and Thierry.
Where: Second floor corridor.
When: Yesterday morning.
What: Getting DNA.
Open: No.
Rating: Mild- fight scene.
Status: incomplete.
Note: feel free to comment on a vampire fight on the second floor.
You're a cold hearted snake, I might be a snake too- but my heart is whole and warm. )

Jan. 7th, 2012


backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Jack Harkness.
Where is he found? Wandering around on the bottom floor.
What: His torture.
Rating: Lowish.
He was the first person she couldn't kill. but she still destroyed him. )


Backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Zoe Sage.
Where: Outside Zoe's room, pale and dead- but nothing else is wrong, she looks peaceful.
What: Zoe's death.
Rating: Stay out if squemish.
She was feisty and pure... But oh so weak. Had Maya really started off like this? )


backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and the 10th Doctor.
Where was he left: nailed to the front door.
What: Killing spree.
Rating: Fucking disturbing, I am sorry.
You could say she had a thing for men, just as long as they were really men. )


Backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Jagger.
What: His death.
Where is he left? On Ravens bed- pale and cold, no signs of injury.
Rating: Low, this is a less dramatic death.
This little monster had a soul, now he has none. )


backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Caroline Forbes.
Rating: Stay out if you're squeamish.
Where was she left: All over the manor in bits and pieces, her head sin the fridge.
What: Killing spree.
This one reminded her of Hellewise. )


Backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Rose (TVD)
Rating: Stay out if you're squeamish.
Where is she left? Hanging in the middle of the second floor hallway from a chandelier. Gruesome site.
What: Killing spree.
Some Vampire Mama on Vampire baby action. )


backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Raven.
Where is she found? On Jaggers bed, peaceful and asleep.
What: Ravens death.
Rating: Low.
Why is this Raven like a writing desk? because neither are living anymore. )


Backdated to yesterday.

Who: Maya and Angel.
Rating: Stay out if you're squeamish.
Where was he/she left? Hanging in the middle of third floor corridor via a chandelier.
What: Killing spree.
The death of an Angel. )

September 2012




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