Jul. 29th, 2012


[Who]: Moira and Christian
[What]: Spending time together
[When]: After this
[Where]: The lobby, then outside
[Status]: In progress
[Rating]: TBD. They're family, but she isn't his favorite person right now.

She wanted more than anything to prove that their time together wasn't a lie. )

Jul. 17th, 2012


[Who]: Christian Ozera and Lissa Dragomir
[What]: Spending some time together
[When]: After the network conversation
[Where]: Their room
[Rating]: TBD
[Status]: In progress- closed.

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Jan. 21st, 2012


[Who]: Christian Ozera and Sam Madison
[What]: Sam explaining how she 'accidentally' saved the President.
[When]: After Sam's arrival
[Where]: Sitting room
[Rating]: Low
[Status]: In progress- closed.

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WHO: Moira and Christian
WHAT: Mother meets son
WHEN: After this
WHERE: The main sitting room
RATING: TBD. Not entirely sure how Christian will react.

She didn't want to think it was true, but she had to know and he only way she could know for sure was to see Christian. )

Jan. 20th, 2012


WHO: Raven Madison, Zoey Redbird, [Erin Bates or Christian Ozera], Shaunee Cole, [Erin or Christian]
WHAT: Hanging out.
WHEN: January 20, in the morning
WHERE: The main sitting room
OPEN: To those listed in "WHO"
Rating: TBD. Most likely low.

She left the suite quietly making sure to not wake Alexander and went down to the meeting point-- the sitting room. )

Jan. 14th, 2012


Who: Christian Ozera & Raven Madison
What: They're both looking for food
When: 01/14
Where: Kitchen
Status: In progress - closed
Rating: T for Christian's inappropriate mind

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Jan. 4th, 2012


Who: Vasilisa and Christian.
Where: Suite 102
When: After he arrives.
What: He's real! He's Alive! He's Christian! Ozera!
Open: No.
Rating: TBD.
God gives us chances, sometimes even second chances. )

September 2012




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