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Apr. 20th, 2012


Who: Darius and Aphrodite
Where: Gym
When: Late Afternoon
What: Reconciling.
Open: no.
rating; moderate.

He wasn't in the wrong this time, he was sure of that. )

Apr. 19th, 2012


Who: Sydney and Adrian
What: Spending the day together and discovering newfound emotions
When: After this
Where: Their room
Rating: TBD

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Who: Julian
What: Another game
When: This morning
Where: His room

He was going to grant one wish for each person, though there would have to be some limitations. )

(OOC note 1: By "certain people" being allowed into the Game by wishes, it means only if someone is willing to play that person temporarily.)

(OOC note 2: Your wish must be listed here before it can come true. Please be sure to read all the information on that post as well for the rules.

Apr. 16th, 2012


Who: Alaric Saltzman and Meredith Sulez
What: Meeting up
When: After her run
Where: Meredith's room
Rating: TBD... possibly NSFW, as impregnation may occur

he loved her sweaty )


Who: Sydney and Adrian
Where: Their room
When: After this
What: Comforting
Rating: TBD
Warning: Likely emotional

She just wasn't sure if he was going to relapse or not, and the memory of the night he tried to commit suicide came back vividly. )

Apr. 14th, 2012


Who: Hellewise and A.J.
Where: Starting in the kitchen, then going outside.
When: After this
What: "Hanging"
Rating: TBD

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Who: Vaysa and Christian.
Where: sitting room.
When: after his fight with Lucas over the comms.
What: calming him.
Rating: moderate- maybe some swearing from him.
Open: no.

She was protective of him and that was all to it. )

Apr. 13th, 2012


WHO: Raven and Alexander
WHAT: Raven is telling Alexander everything that's happened from his time to the time she came from.
WHEN: Today
OPEN: Nope. This is strictly black cape affair.

Perhaps after she explained he wouldn't be so lost anymore. )

Apr. 12th, 2012


Who: Dimitri and Ivan
When: Yesterday around lunch time.
What: catching up, being best friends
Why: They are cool.
Open: No
Rating: Low.

Granola bars, the food of Dhampir gods. Have you eaten your Granola bar today? )

Apr. 11th, 2012


Who: Rachel and Finn
Where: Starting in the lobby, then who knows where.
When: After this week's Glee rehearsal (probably early afternoon)
What: Rachel missed her wedding and is depressed that no one remembers.
Rating: TBD

She let out a soft sigh as she kept moving her fingers along the keys. )


Who: Alison & Ian
Where: Ali's room
When: After this
What: Ali is bored.
Rating: TBD

After she told Ian that she was, in fact, in her room she lay across the foot of her bed, waiting for him to arrive. )


Who: Vasilisa and Rose (Appearance of Dimitri at the beginning)
Where: Rose's room.
When: Early morning.
What: Making amends.
Open: No
Rating: Low.

When everything crashes down, you get to a point where you begin to push them down too. )

Apr. 10th, 2012


Who: Six and OTA
Where: Living room
What: Interaction,
When: Now.
Rating: Medium, she’s a little mouthy.
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yep
Status: In progress

Days like this I want to drive away. )


Who: Penny and OTA
Where: Backyard
What: Interaction,
When: Now.
Rating: Medium, she’s a little mouthy.
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yep
Status: In progress

Though the truth may bury this, ship will carry on, fly me safe to shore.. )


Who: Faith and OTA
Where: Kitchen
What: Interaction,
When: Now.
Rating: Medium, she’s a little mouthy.
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yep
Status: In progress

This place sucks. )


Placeholder - Vasilisa and Dimitri.


[Who]: Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage
[What]: Adrian trying to comfort Sydney
[When]: After Stanton arrives
[Where]: Their room
[Rating]: Low
[Status]: In progress- closed.

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Apr. 9th, 2012


|[ WHO ]| Eve Corvin
|[ WHERE ]| Outside
|[ WHEN ]| Monday, April 9 || 12:12 AM
|[ WHAT ]| Scouting because she can't sleep
|[ OPEN ]| To anyone

Final product of the Corvinus Strain or not, Eve enjoyed staying in one piece. )

Apr. 6th, 2012


Who: Kat and Casper
Where: Her room
When: After this
What: Catching up and giving him the dance he's owed.
Status: In Progress
Rating: Low--they're 13

She went from one creepy mansion to another and Casper was there too but he was alive, and cute. )


Who: Maya and Peeta.
Where: hallway
When: Morning of Thursday. (it was meant to be up last night but I forgot)
What: His death
Why: Cause he needs updatng.
Open: no
Rating: moderate
Maya will always get you in the end. )

Apr. 5th, 2012


WHO: Glimmer and Cato
WHEN: April 5, Evening
WHERE: Somewhere in the house? Let's start at a room then move to kitchen/living area.
WHAT: Very first date EVER.
RATING: Medium? I have no idea, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
OPEN: Not this time!

Tags: ,


[Who]: Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage
[What]: Talking
[When]: After talking on the network
[Where]: Their room
[Rating]: Low
[Status]: In progress- closed.

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Apr. 1st, 2012


WHO: Raven and Alexander
WHAT: Reuniting after her short-lived death
WHEN: After her arrival
WHERE: The lobby.
RATING: It depends on how emotional Alexander gets after seeing his girlfriend alive and okay.

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Apr. 2nd, 2012


Who: Vaysa and Christian
Where: their room.
When: After he talks to his Mother in her journal, so two days ago.
What: Comforting.
Rating: Low, moderate- Christian could swear, I’m not sure.
Open: No sorry.
Christian and Vasilisa had such a strong relationship that they both lent on for support when times got tough. )

Apr. 1st, 2012


[Who]: Katniss Everdeen & Gale Hawthorne
[What]: Talking
[When]: After he comes back
[Where]: Rm. 309
[Status]: In progress - Closed
[Rating]: Medium for fighting

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Mar. 30th, 2012


[Who:] James Stark and Damien Maslin
[What:] Hanging out
[When:] Right after their text convo
[Where:] The Rec Room
[Status:] In progress- open
[Rating:] Low

Bored Now… )


Where: Outside.
When: Late night, early morning (aka 1 a.m.)
What: Being together.
Rating: Low, moderate- It's Callie and Ash combined so who the hell knows :P
Open: No.

She had to admit she loved him, she just couldn't tell him... He wouldn't want to hear it would he? )


[Who]: Drew & Ash
[What]: Looking for other Pokemon
[When]: After their arrival
[Where]: Outside
[Status]: In progress- Closed
[Rating]: Low

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Mar. 28th, 2012


Who: A.J., Hellewise & Jake
Where: A.J. & Hellewise's Room, #308
What: Jake gets to finally meet Hellewise
When: Backdated to the afternoon of March 7th
Rating: Low
Open: No
Status: In progress

Jake wanted to make a good impression... )

Mar. 27th, 2012


WHO: Peeta and Katniss
WHEN: Tuesday. After Katniss' journal post.
WHERE: Room 309; Katniss' room.
WHAT: They are both having trouble sleeping and in need of comfort.
OPEN: Not this time.

Mar. 24th, 2012


[Who]: Haymitch, Peeta & Katniss
[What]: Haymitch catching them up
[When]: Saturday Morning
[Where]: Parlor
[Why]: Peeta and Katniss have "amnesia"
[Status]: Closed - In Progress
[Rating]: Medium - May be some swearing, alcohol and slight violence.

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Mar. 23rd, 2012


[Who]: Glimmer and Cato
[What]: Meeting back up
[When]: After their arrival
[Where]: Cato's room, 702
[Status]: Closed- in progress
[Rating]: TBD

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Tags: ,

Mar. 16th, 2012


Who: Johanna
Where: Walking the halls
What: Interaction, boredom,
When: Now.
Rating: High, she’s naked.
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yes.
Status: In progress

I can‘t keep up. )

Mar. 15th, 2012


Who: Six, her towel, and you?
Where: Kitchen
What: Interaction, boredom,
When: Now.
Rating: Medium, Six’s showing some legs
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yes.
Status: In progress

Wait a mintune )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Who: Cullen Clan
Where: Sitting room
What: Mourning the loss of Alice.
When: Morning.
Why: because they've lost one of their family members.
Open: No; this is family time.
Raitng: Low, possibly moderate- traces of anger, swearing and death obviously.
The worst thing for a Mother to feel was the loss of a child. )

Mar. 7th, 2012


Who: Faith and Open
Where: Side of the house
What: Interaction.
When: Now.
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes
Status: In progress

@ )

Mar. 5th, 2012


WHO: Jason and Jessica
WHEN: March 5
WHERE: Somewhere in the house then one of their rooms?
WHAT: They meet, they reunite, their hormones probably take over.
RATING: Let's say PG-13 to start with the probability of it going to NC-17 very high.
OPEN: Not this time!

Mar. 4th, 2012


Who: Rashel and Quinn
Where: Her room.
What: Lust-sin.
When: This morning.
Open: No.
Rating: TBD; assume high.
Soul mate sex- you really have no idea what you're missing out on. )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


[Who]: Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage
[What]: Talking things out
[When]: After talking on the network
[Where]: Their room
[Rating]: medium, possible sex
[Status]: In progress- closed.

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Feb. 29th, 2012


Who: RIPPER-Lexi and Dmitri, OTA
Where: Downstairs
What: Plot and to do the killings for the week.
When: Now.
Rating: High.
Notes: Killing of Penny, Cady Heron, Janis Ian, Lilly Moscovitz, Lucius Malfoy, Alexander Kozlov
Open: Yep for reaction only, unless you want your character hurt then you can approach, but please poke me or Dammie first.
Status: In progress

There‘s blood on my hands and I won‘t regret it, till tomorrow )

Feb. 26th, 2012


WHO: Katherine and Stefan
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Stefan's room
WHAT: Stefan has lust and Katherine has wanted him for 145 years.
RATING: High. Sex and possibly biting.

If he wanted sex and was willing to have it with her, she could put off her endless feeding for some time with him. )

Feb. 27th, 2012


WHO: Brucas, bitches! (Brooke + Lucas)
WHEN: Sunday. Some point after this.
WHERE: Brooke's room/Suite 402
WHAT: Brooke is infected with Lust. Think about it. ;P
RATING: LUST, people. Do not read if you have virgin minds.
OPEN: Absolutely not.

She was trying to tell herself it was just sex... )


WHO: Iliana and Philip
WHEN: Sunday. After her entry.
WHERE: Iliana's room; Suite 206
WHAT: Iliana wants to be taught some stuff, but Phil doesn't want it to be just anyone.
RATING: Gonna go with R here, as she might not go all the way, but it'll still be naughty. ;)
OPEN: Nope

Now that someone was actually coming, she wasn't so sure about this... )

Feb. 26th, 2012


[Who]: Jesse Zeklos, Erin Bates and Avery Lazar
[What]: Threesome
[When]: After Jesse and Avery's arrival
[Where]: Room 605
[Status]: In progress - Closed
[Rating]: NC-17

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[Who]: Katniss Everdeen & Gale Hawthorne
[What]: Wrath vs. wrath
[When]: Sunday night
[Where]: Rm. 309
[Status]: In progress - Closed
[Rating]: Possibly some cloths being ripped off

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WHO: MASH (Mary-Lynette and Ash)
WHEN: February 26, Evening, After all the naughty hub bub
WHERE: Ash's room; Suite 104
WHAT: Bowchickawowow
OPEN: Hell to the no.

He had to admit, this didn't come as a surprise... )


WHO: Nessie and Jacob
WHEN: February 26, After this.
WHERE: Her room; Suite 504
WHAT: Nessie is feeling rather passionate and would like to share it with Jake.
RATING: NC-17, with a side of cute
OPEN: Absolutely not.

This was a really big deal, and Nessie was nervous. )


WHO: Raven, Alexander
WHAT: Raven's worn out and finally sleeping, and Alexander is checking on her
WHEN: After their confrontation that night.
WHY: 7DS plot
WHERE: Their room

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Who: Mark and Jade.
Where: Her room.
What: Sex.
When: After she admits she's horny.
Open: uh.. no.
Rating: Not for kidlets.
Mark was starting to like this dolls house. )


Who: Phoebe and Jason.
Where: Her Room.
When: After he confirms a sex rendezvous.
What: Kinky sex.
Open: No. Unless you wanna threesome- then maybe :P
Rating: Off the scale.
Phoebe was hit with Lust, this guy sounded hot. Boo- fucking- yeah! )

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September 2012




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