Monday, August 5th, 2013

How many people here have played or still play Quidditch?

Want to go flying? Someone besides Sirius and I should test these brooms out. I promise you won't injure yourself. They're safe.

Maybe after If we I can't even

On another note, has anything more been discovered about the dead Muggles?

[his Sirius]
Are these brooms up to your high speed expectations?
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

OOC: The ward was put up after the fact so any children who responded did so before it was done

[Warded against children]

My plans for my birthday were to go out and get laid for the first time in 6 BLOODY MONTHS! Not to get kidnapped and dropped in the middle of some damn town without any clue where in the BLOODY HELL I AM.

I should have just stayed home with a bottle of Ogden's like I do every year. I should have known better than to try and celebrate. Nothing good ever happens on my birthday If you think you're going to get money, you're barking up the wrong family tree.
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Friday, August 2nd, 2013

What do you know about babies?
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

We're going to tighten the wards on your flat, alright?
This is bullshit.
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Sunday, July 28th, 2013

[Warded to THG world, as well as Unwind Regulus and Sirius]

A girl from the genderswap world is going to an amusement park with her friends, and she invited me to go with them and to bring along anyone I wanted, after I told her I'd never been. What she described sounded like it would be fun, and I'd like to bring any or all of you with me, if you want to come? She said there is a metal road made of hills that you ride on, and I forgot what she actually called it. But I think it would be nice to go as a group, and get to know some of the others? Especially if we do all stay here, I'd like to know our neighbors better.

[Warded to Theo]

I hope it's alright still for me to invite others. Depending on how many people say yes, I may have doubled the size of the group...
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

My female counterpart gifted me something. You're welcome.

Thanks for the knickers, Ev. I feel positively primal.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

I don't know how to stop myself. After everything...

I still can't stop. They kill me and I can't even stop worrying about their opinion. There's something wrong with me.

[his Sirius]
I saw you writing with Father. [...] Are you alright?

(18 comments | Leave a comment)

I stepped into my office [...] and this most assuredly isn't it.
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Thursday, July 25th, 2013

No taco. The wards worked, then The weather has actually been fairly decent of late. Forgive me if I've just jinxed it.

How have you been?

How do people even talk about these things. I...


I can't even write it to myself. This is pathetic.

But I feel it. I know it.

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Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

[...] How certain is it that colour world and genderswapped world are mirrors of one another? Has there been any proof of it?

[ added: theo ]

[...] Theodora.
(70 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

I've got to say, I much prefer you clean-shaven and neat. You're sexier that way.
Throwing my hat in the ring, so to speak. If there's help needed in building the Ministry I am there. There probably isn't much need for an Obliviator anymore, but I'm rather decent with building charms if nothing else.
(144 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013


Dashing 22-year-old bartender layabout seeks entertainment. Interested parties apply within with a proper list of qualities.

[ marauders ]
So guess who found the Shrieking Shack today.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Have more children arrived?

I am looking for Mothball's Dog. ARE YOU HERE? So many people are showing up.
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Forcing me to set up your bloody games each year wasn't enough Healy? You had to come up with some new hell to torture me with? I should have known better than to trust you to honor your word and let me live my life
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Monday, July 22nd, 2013


What the hell is this?
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Sunday, July 21st, 2013

[...] Well, then...

[his Sirius and Castor (warded in after Sirius' comment)]
Might you be able to inform me as to why I woke up with a taco and a mustache?
(28 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Hello. Now that I'm a little less freaked out startled and have accepted that all of this is actually real, I probably should introduce myself. My name is Rasalas Black and I believe I'm from the world known as "genderswap"? I'm in my 6th year and was at Hogsmeade weekend when I wound up in what is a... very detailed replica of London. I have to hand it to whoever made it, even the paint is worn down in the right places on the shop doors.

I am a little confused about what I'm supposed to be here for, if what this place was built for is done and over with, but thank you for bringing my friends with me.

[Unwind Regulus]

I believe that I owe you an apology for the other day.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Who would've guessed not having Alpha to fuck things up would actually turn out worse.

Warded to Rodolphusknap
We should talk.
(60 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013


I don't see the compound. Is this something different?

Ara, Jamie, Rose? Ted, Hermione? Who is here?
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So...I've inherited a store and I really don't know what I'm doing. So now..not only am I a designer, but an owner as well. Looks like I'm starting on Fall's collection now.

It'd be great if my girls me run this joint. I'm going to need managers and...girls who are not afraid to tell others that what they are trying on looks horrible because you both know..I can't do that.

It'd be nice...
(3 comments | Leave a comment)
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