Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

[Regulus had enjoyed the new boat. It was very interesting and he'd enjoyed playing with it, but he'd been told that he wasn't supposed to speak to Sirius. Considering what he knew of his future, the idea of not speaking to his brother was painful. He didn't like it. Not at all.

He didn't want to do things he wasn't
supposed to do, but he didn't want to be stuck in a world where he had to give up his brother. Most of the time his parents were busy anyway. He didn't know what with, but they were.

He'd started taking to playing in the yard and carrying his cars with him everywhere. It was all he had of Sirius. That and the outfit that he'd given him. He'd been wearing it a lot since he'd been told he couldn't talk to his brother.

He checked to see if his parents were around before quietly writing in his journal. He was following the rules. Sort of. He would give him a hint, a way to know how to find him. If Sirius happened to run into him, it wasn't his fault. Right?]

I am glad the weather has been good enough that I can play outside in the yard.

A hint. I hope you get the hint.
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[Alecto had taken to sleeping in trees. She couldn't be around Amycus. She didn't want to be around anyone. She hated this. She hated all of it. Amycus was her twin, her best friend, her everything. Now he was also her murderer. He was the only that would kill her. The one that would end everything after "handing the victory to her" in a manner of speaking. He'd wanted to do that. She didn't want it handed over, nor taken from her. A stranger was one thing. Amycus was another.

Her blood was hot and her heart cold. Trying to cut the ties from her heart to Amycus hurt too much and so all she could do for a while was curl up in a ball and hide in a field, grass high above her. After that, she'd decided not to go back. She couldn't look at him. She couldn't
stop thinking about him.

She sighed, eyes reading over the journals. Nothing of interest. Never was really.

That was a lie.

She'd have to pull it together. Then talk to someone not Amycus. There were only two people she could think of.]

amycus. he killed me.

found out future.

not good.
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

When Lucretia teased that I may get lost in the library, I hardly took it as a very real possibility. And now it seems I have found myself in a very strange [...] well [...] I assume it is London, though it looks different from when I last looked. There are minute similarities. I seem to have discovered some form of "pamphlet" with information on it about time traveling and multiple worlds which, at this point sounds quite fanciful. Though, I imagine I might be more inclined to believe it with the proper reading materials and research. Anyone might have made a pamphlet and made up information.

If someone could direct me to the nearest library, I will be on my way to discover whether there are any books on this supposed world and time traveling business and these "other worlds" listed.

Lucretia, darling, if this turns out to be your brother's doing, I may very well have Reginald deal with him this time, but perhaps not. He is your brother after all. I suppose we may forgive him yet again some curiously unusual side of you I've not yet seen, I will concede that you are far cleverer than I. Though, I may have done as much without this. It is quite humourous, love. I do have to wonder what the purpose of the journal is, but then I imagine you'd know I'd need something for notes. Terribly clever of you. Were I still a prefect, I should award you points for it.

Now about that library...

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Monday, August 5th, 2013

How many people here have played or still play Quidditch?

Want to go flying? Someone besides Sirius and I should test these brooms out. I promise you won't injure yourself. They're safe.

Maybe after If we I can't even

On another note, has anything more been discovered about the dead Muggles?

[his Sirius]
Are these brooms up to your high speed expectations?
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Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

What's getting laid?
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OOC: The ward was put up after the fact so any children who responded did so before it was done

[Warded against children]

My plans for my birthday were to go out and get laid for the first time in 6 BLOODY MONTHS! Not to get kidnapped and dropped in the middle of some damn town without any clue where in the BLOODY HELL I AM.

I should have just stayed home with a bottle of Ogden's like I do every year. I should have known better than to try and celebrate. Nothing good ever happens on my birthday If you think you're going to get money, you're barking up the wrong family tree.
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Friday, August 2nd, 2013


"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."
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Thursday, August 1st, 2013

[...] I don't understand.
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what's the wiggly thing in the sky?
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'm just sayin'

should be more sisters


just sayin'
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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

Well. Dinosaurs. That was different.
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Unimpressed but over it

So it turns out being a superhero turned villain is actually pretty excellent.

Thanks for the excellent adventure, Theodore, Promo, and Aunt Astro.
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Happy birthday, Harry. And happy birthday Neville even though it is a day late.
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Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Would you believe me if I said I have no idea how old I am?
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"Lost boys"
As your leader, I suggest we paint the pirates red [...] or pink. Whichever would be most offensive to them. We shall use glitter against them as well. Name-calling is allowed in every situation except capture. We will still best that blasted Hook and his men even in these circumstances but no death allowed.

When we return to home, whenever that will be, I suggest a thorough painting of the town and it's people. As is only proper. I will need a broom...or someone to take me on one.
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Sunday, July 28th, 2013

I'm going to go chill in Neverland world. Outtie.
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[Theodore Nott]
The moon or superheroes?

edited in a moment later...

[Maman & Dad]
Asteria Black asking for permission to go explore Superhero World with one Theodore Nott. Nothing improper is going to happen, so calm your tits and your blood pressure, Dad. He knows I'm sixteen and he's not going to do anything. I'll hex him if he does. No fears, okay?

Yes? Please?

edited in a moment later...

[Promo, Astro, Juni, Bran, Izzy]
Can one of you come with me to the Superhero world so Maman and Dad don't have a heart attack?

I'm not allowed to go alone with Theodore Nott soooooo [...] you'd be doing me a solid. I'll figure out a way to make it up to you.
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Saturday, July 27th, 2013


Guess I'll treat this as a minivacation before going again.
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I don't know how to stop myself. After everything...

I still can't stop. They kill me and I can't even stop worrying about their opinion. There's something wrong with me.

[his Sirius]
I saw you writing with Father. [...] Are you alright?

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Friday, July 26th, 2013


Want to explore the worlds?
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