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flipped rpg.

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[05 Aug 2013|07:44am]
Costume fitting day. Thought I'd show off this little gem.

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[05 Aug 2013|06:00pm]
real life? just fantasy?

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[05 Aug 2013|09:26pm]

Damn your pride.
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[05 Aug 2013|11:29pm]
How many people here have played or still play Quidditch?

Want to go flying? Someone besides Sirius and I should test these brooms out. I promise you won't injure yourself. They're safe.

Maybe after If we I can't even

On another note, has anything more been discovered about the dead Muggles?

[his Sirius]
Are these brooms up to your high speed expectations?
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[ viewing | August 5th, 2013 ]
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