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flipped rpg.

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[04 Aug 2013|01:29am]

Grand opening.

Psycho, 7pm.
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[04 Aug 2013|11:35am]
Well... that was certainly a surprise. It is often I rise to see your face near mine. It was ni I trust you are feeling better this morning?
[his Regulus]
I We I kn Would you like to accompany me this afternoon on my errands, son?
I don't know which one of you it was, but you will cease making your mo my wife upset. If you don't, you will answer to me.

It was a pleasant morning, for all the misery of this week.
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[04 Aug 2013|06:16pm]
I have a craving for vintage Chanel and its killing me.
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[04 Aug 2013|10:11pm]
It's my turn to make dinner. Do you like spaghetti?
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[04 Aug 2013|11:13pm]
I like this place! I want to stay! So now I find a job, oui? Are there magazine here? Or a newspaper that needs reporting?

I could also try being a go-go girl. The boots are très magnifique!
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