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[24 Jul 2013|12:43am]
If this place is what everyone says it is ... I've heard there are versions of me. I want to meet them.
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[24 Jul 2013|02:16am]
Who: Amycus & Alectothg
What: Amycus is coming to find his sister
When: Right the fuck now.
Where: Somewhere...near the shops
Warnings: Probably bad language.

You are the silence in between what I thought and what I said )
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[24 Jul 2013|07:07am]
Versions of the Carrows are here. Amazing the memories that handwriting brings back. Now all we need is Umbridge to complete the collection.

Let's take that vacation now. I'll ward the kids. Just wanted you to not be as surprised as I was, and don't really want them to know anything about it.
Let's go away for a few days. I know we talked about Disney World, but that'll take some planning. Let's do something quick and spontaneous. We could go home- like, home home. I think it would be relaxing for a little while. Or we could go to Dublin or someplace if that's more exciting. Erin, you can bring Lysander, if you want and if he can go. Niall, you can bring a friend as well.
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[24 Jul 2013|08:47am]
Roll call?

Renee Lupin. Swap World.

I have this urge to hunt and devour a large chocolate bunny.
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[24 Jul 2013|11:13am]
With the lack of structure here, I'm assuming it's easier to get work. Correct?

Luna and Cho
I spy: two little Passers with a deceiving letter change and a penchant for punishment.

added in, with the previous ward and ensuing conversation being available to DA members as well
DA Members
We're thinking about linking unique objects the way we used coins at Hogwarts. If you're interested and/or want to help, see below.
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[24 Jul 2013|01:35pm]
I have a maid for an entire month, albeit one that refuses to wear clothes.

How are you doing, kid? Can I even call you kid if you're older than me? Anyway, I was thinking you could pick a regular night for dinners.

Remus Lupins of all varieties
I have a proposition for you lot, if you're interested. I offered the last time I was here, I believe, but so much has changed in between that time, including most of you.
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[24 Jul 2013|03:53pm]
I think it's time we all take a minute to appreciate these curls. Where did they come from? What do they want?

Private to her Charlie )
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[24 Jul 2013|04:17pm]
Who: Junibaby and Dukeheir.
Where: In town, starting.
When: This evening.
What: Apologies and awkwards.
Status/Rating: Incomplete/We'll see?

...hey. )
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[24 Jul 2013|06:38pm]
I suppose we haven't really spoken of it, have we? I suppose in person would be better, yet I feel the need to put this in writing.

I wish to remain here, with you. For as long as you are here, and desirous of my companionship, I will forgo my return to Britain. After all, it was prophesied I would return after death, for a great need, and I can think of no greater cause than love. This once, I choose to be the man first, not the king. My heart, my sword, my estate, and my fealty are yours, for so'er long as you shall have them.
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[24 Jul 2013|06:58pm]
Baby girl and Baby boy

I know that my age is...really hurting the situation. It wasn't easy for either of you to see your mum so young and now with Remus here...feels like gasoline was thrown on the fire.

I'm sorry if using these names hurts but...I can't help it. I want to get to know you both. I would really like to see what karma looks like. My mum always said if I had children that god help me, they don't end up like me...but...I'm kinda secretly wishing that you both are like me. Resilient. Strong. Stubborn. Unbelievably passionate. I think I want that last part most for the both of you so I could just tell my own mother to suck it.

I want to understand everything and I know that now is not the time to talk, or quite possibly ever.

I just want to get to know you both if you'll let me.


I wan-
fuck this and fuck you
How you holding up?

Private )
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[24 Jul 2013|07:22pm]
I'm bored, babe. This is never good. And in the interest of not getting arrested like last time, and since we own all the movies, you wanna come by the store and watch something in the screening room with me?
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[24 Jul 2013|07:41pm]
[tear stains litter the page as Andromeda has been crying seeing as she just received word that Ted was found murdered. Her handwriting looks messy, which anyone would find highly unusual since it is usually very proper and neat.]

I told him not to leave. I told him to just register and that this would happen. Something like this would happen.

This is not real. It isn't! I will wake up and he will be here.

He will tell me this is just some horrid nightmare.

Ted, my love, tell me this is not real.

Also, where am I? I was at home just a second ago.
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[24 Jul 2013|08:43pm]
Warded to AstroErisPartyHarry
You guys want waffles? (She asks because she was hungry and decided she wanted waffles, and then made too many ... it's possible I need to find something to do with my free time).
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[24 Jul 2013|09:05pm]
Warded to: Janie Potter
I am going to marry Arthur Pendragon. One day. This is the day I've decided. I know it, Janie. And you had better be my maid of honor when I do so.
Warded to: Capitaine Epsilon... Richard
I don't know if you can still read everything here. You were doing that, don't say otherwise. But I am going to marry Arthur Pendragon. I would have stayed, even if he chose to leave, but I get to stay and not have the heartache.
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[24 Jul 2013|09:44pm]
There are a number of portals still active outside of town, and some of them lead to worlds we visited, or rather that you visited. I tagged along but never actively participated myself, and I've decided to at least tour the greatest hits: Neverland, Pokemonlandia, Candyland, Superheroes World, the list goes on. Oscar will be coming with me, but if any of the rest of you are interested or wish to race against me in the original olympics, I would very much like to.
52 comments|post comment

[24 Jul 2013|09:47pm]
TATTOOS. Got your attention didn't it? I've inked skin for four years now back home, and I did so here previously as well. I have a small shop set off a few streets off the main part of town. We can sit, discuss what you want, and I can draw a few ideas for you, or if you come in with art, I can do that. I'm starting to make new books of some of the previous work I've done, or you can check out my Sirius Black's body. Either way.

A couple samples of my work )

It's hardly a representative sample, but they're pictures I had in my wallet.
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[24 Jul 2013|10:43pm]
[...] How certain is it that colour world and genderswapped world are mirrors of one another? Has there been any proof of it?

[ added: theo ]

[...] Theodora.
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[24 Jul 2013|11:07pm]

My lady has moves.
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[24 Jul 2013|11:36pm]
I want to take a trip home. Anyone else want a look at the most beautiful scenery any world has to offer?

What about you, Pineapple? I know you want to see the waves.
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[24 Jul 2013|11:44pm]
Betty Ford no more.
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