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[25 Jul 2013|12:09am]
I definitely don't remember the gate here and no one greeted me this time so I'm confused.

Who's my scientist?
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[25 Jul 2013|12:16am]

At least, I don't think it's my fault.

Is it my fault? It could be my fault...but I just...I wasn't doing anything wrong! I was in my office, I didn't have any projects lingering...and besides, all my research includes cadavers and I'm 99.99998% sure that there is NOTHING that I could have done that would have made us teleport to an alternate universe or timeline or whatever this is.

So yeah, this time, it's SOMEONE ELSE'S fault. I didn't push any red buttons, spill anything, fall into a vat of toxic waste or anything like that this time...

Unless I slept walked again, and if that's the case, I'm sorry for sleeping on the job again! Don't fire me?
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[25 Jul 2013|01:40am]

What does a woman have to do to Where are the elves? This world is seemingly deficient of them. My robes aren't going to clean themselves.

[LOYAL Death Eaters]
We need to reclaim what is rightfully ours. Now. These reunions have been marvelously touching, and I'm sure frolicking into the sunset with all the mudbloo filth sounds exciting, but let us not forget what we stand for. There is no Ministry of Magic here, it seems. Let's build one in the image of our mothers.
[Ras & Evan]
Panzanella for dinner? I'm at the market. I've watched no fewer than seven muggles sneeze on the vegetables. And their children love to touch things with their filthy little paws. Ugh.
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[25 Jul 2013|02:10am]
This isn't Brach.
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[25 Jul 2013|03:11am]

I'm sorry.
I think I'm getting too old for silly in Does anyone want to go with me to Alton Towers? I hear it has a huge roller coaster. And stuff
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[25 Jul 2013|03:32am]
Well, this is tits.
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[25 Jul 2013|03:44am]
There is an orphanage in the place they call Hackney. I've gone there every night. Their defenses are incredibly weak, I don't doubt we could slip in the back window and out again with our prize before they even know what hits them. Not that they do their job, anyway. I've had to listen to the muggle counter girl while away the days speaking with her slummy lover on the telefone. She doesn't even rise when the children cry.
Hello, love. It's been a while. Am I to think you did not enjoy dinner?
It's a refreshing new day.
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[25 Jul 2013|04:14am]
I've got to say, I much prefer you clean-shaven and neat. You're sexier that way.
Throwing my hat in the ring, so to speak. If there's help needed in building the Ministry I am there. There probably isn't much need for an Obliviator anymore, but I'm rather decent with building charms if nothing else.
144 comments|post comment

[25 Jul 2013|08:55am]
I've done it. I've actually done it. This is brilliant! Magnifique!

I'm going to be a star.
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[25 Jul 2013|10:29am]
Well, it sure looks like the Ireland I know and sometimes love.

I don't know what's weirder, some of the truly weird places we've been, or being somewhere that's very, very familiar, but not quite the same. Home base is sort of like that, but Hogwarts and Diagon and all that shouldn't really be in the same place. This sort of looks like a clone though.
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[25 Jul 2013|12:47pm]
surprised they never sent me away
surprised i'm not dead
gets harder tho to keep going.
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[25 Jul 2013|12:56pm]
Delivery for Daphne Greengrass )
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[25 Jul 2013|01:07pm]
It's perfect, and it fits brilliantly. Thank you. I like the chocolates too.

Does this mean you'll take me riding again?
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[25 Jul 2013|01:17pm]
No taco. The wards worked, then The weather has actually been fairly decent of late. Forgive me if I've just jinxed it.

How have you been?

How do people even talk about these things. I...


I can't even write it to myself. This is pathetic.

But I feel it. I know it.

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[25 Jul 2013|04:23pm]

There's a superhero world...
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[25 Jul 2013|04:27pm]
Who wants to go on an adventure, exploring their way through some of these worlds? I was thinking we could start with dinosaurs or pirates, and then just go on from there.

Batman, I know I promised you an arcade search adventure, but we can still do that when we get back into town. What do you say? Do you want to see everything we missed?
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[25 Jul 2013|06:20pm]
i'm alecto carrow. don't care about capitals or capitols

1977. 16. games.
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[25 Jul 2013|06:55pm]
WHO: Abe and Dorcascan
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Right freaking now
WHAT: Abe has a question

Be my wife )
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[25 Jul 2013|08:43pm]
And here I was supposed to be entertaining some very wealthy customers.
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[25 Jul 2013|09:24pm]
Alright, so, I wager I should be properly introducing myself and the like. My name is Malcolm Rookwood. I hear tell my world of origin is called "Baby World." A bit fucked up that title is, guys.

My parents are Nick and Callie Rookwood. It looks like there are multiples everywhere but I ain't seeing the likes of myself or them running about. So, is there any kin here to the Rookwood's, Lockhart's, Skeeter's, or Avery's?

Or Tremlett.

Well, I guess...well, does Donaghan Tremlett ring a bell to anyone?

Right, anyways. How the fuck we go about starting businesses here? Seems there are quite a few and I got an idea or two.
50 comments|post comment

[25 Jul 2013|09:48pm]
who: Remusdiv & Astridbaby
what: consoling and things.
when: later thursday.
where: whereverthehell Astrid lives.
status/rating: incomplete/TBD

idk words. )
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[25 Jul 2013|10:22pm]

im gonna go somewhere peaceful-like i think.
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[25 Jul 2013|10:35pm]
You are my hero and I think you need to know that.
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[25 Jul 2013|10:55pm]
[ Liapop ]

[ daddy ]

[ Astrid]

[ Remy ]

Make room, I'm sleeping over tonight.
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[25 Jul 2013|11:05pm]
Beware the sea goat.
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