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[15 Jul 2013|02:28am]
Someone's birthday is a-comin~
Question: who wants to program a video game with me?
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[15 Jul 2013|04:14am]
Who: Regulusunwind & Evancolour
What: Regulus gets back from a duel and explosions and needs help healing his cuts.
When: After Bella's arrival
Where: Evan's flat
Warnings: Possible mentions of prior fighting and idek what else. Evan and Regulus have minds of their fucking own. God.
Status: Complete!

Read more... )
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[15 Jul 2013|09:34am]
Has it really been over a year?

Happy birthday, Daniel. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, but I tried to make you french toast for breakfast. OOps It's edible, I promise, but it isn't half as good as yours.

I love you.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:04am]
No place like home.

Things Hestia has learned:
- She likes The Weird Sisters. Ace blokes.
- One hot dog is enough. No more eating competitions.
- New York City really never sleeps.

...should really start making a bucket list.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:41am]
[ Bill ] [ hastily warded, visible to all versions ]

I want [ ... ] to go [ ... ] home.
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[15 Jul 2013|12:57pm]
Who: Fleurthg & Josiesquib
What: Bill's wives meet!
When: Monday morning (MONDAYS, AMIRIGHT?)
Where: Outside by the grocery store
Warnings: Language, violence, things.
Status: Complete

If the people of this place were anything like the one she had just encountered, she figured this game would be a piece of cake. )
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[15 Jul 2013|02:35pm]
It's amazing the things you are privy to as an adult that you were completely oblivious about as a child. The same is true here or back home, but the change is much more abrupt here.

The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view
67 comments|post comment

[15 Jul 2013|04:02pm]

That was a lovely run. And now that I'm sufficiently sweaty and disgusting....

I think I'll go hug my sister.
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[15 Jul 2013|04:31pm]
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[15 Jul 2013|04:47pm]
[Private, GinnyUKR can read]

Every time they bring someone from home here, I just get these horrible flashbacks.

Are we all going to be okay?
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[15 Jul 2013|04:50pm]

Twins. I can't believe they're mine. Things change so quickly in this place.

I'm a father.

I have a future. I'm Mr. Briana Fenwick.
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[15 Jul 2013|06:34pm]
    I don

    I owe you an apology.
I went swimming in a lake today for the first and last time. Talk about disgusting.
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[15 Jul 2013|07:13pm]
Are you feeling quite alright? I should have checked in sooner. Do you need anything? Is there anything that needs healing?

I am sorry I did not think to ask before. I am sorry in advance if this is more of a nuisance than a help

Added in later...

Thank you for looking after me. I'm still so I hope I did not ruin your sleep entirely.
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[15 Jul 2013|09:05pm]
I can go home.

I can see my babies, my wife...

But I'm a better man now. I wish I can take that with me.

Can I? Can I take it with me? Can I go home but maintain my memories?
73 comments|post comment

[15 Jul 2013|10:00pm]
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[15 Jul 2013|10:25pm]
My name is Dr. Oscar Graham. I am from a world not so unlike yours, but still very different. And now that our program has reached its conclusion, I am free to answer your questions.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:27pm]
well now that we can be done with that miss pie bullshit.

thank you. really.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:33pm]
I would like to introduce myself to you all.

But especially you.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:37pm]
We're still here.
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[15 Jul 2013|10:59pm]
[...] Oh shit. Well, here's to making it to the end, folks.



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[15 Jul 2013|10:59pm]
Eris and Astro

I know you both hate me right now, but don't leave. Please please please don't leave.
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[15 Jul 2013|11:14pm]
oi, so i guess this means we can travel like the whole world after all. plenty of time!
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[15 Jul 2013|11:15pm]
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[15 Jul 2013|11:18pm]
Things have changed... I wonder how much.

I feel like testing some boundaries. Would you like to join?
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[15 Jul 2013|11:28pm]
[Family - swap world]
I need advice.

[Dr. Omicron]
Will you be staying or should I find a new therapist? Speaking of, I could use an impromptu session, if you've got the time.
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[15 Jul 2013|11:29pm]
The floor's open for discussion, and I'll cover someone's bar tab if they can guess my first name.
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[15 Jul 2013|11:33pm]
Before anyone leaves, may I ask you for a favor?

Lila and I have been working on a picture wall of everyone for a few months now and I'd like you to either find or take a new picture of yourself and sign it. You can write anything you want, it'll just be nice to have a message now that you can choose to leave.
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