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flipped rpg.

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[14 Jul 2013|05:17pm]
Pixilated fireworkds in a game means that you've won, right?
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[14 Jul 2013|10:54pm]
Excuse me, I don’t know how you managed to make it past the wards to kidnap me out of my flat? But whatever you think you’re getting, you aren’t getting it. You’d think you’d have learned that lesson last time. Unless I was just that fascinating that you just really want to learn more about Star Wars. In which case you really should have waited until next year, there’s supposed to be a third one out then. I did just see The Dark Crystal last week. We can cover that if you’re seriously this desperate for entertainment? At least you didn’t hit me over the sodding head this time

Or is this a dream? Last time this happened, my camera was smashed. This time, I still have my coffee? Which you’re not getting, it’s mine. I’ve had maybe twelve hours of sleep in the past three months. I need it more than

Alright Bri, you sound like a crazy person. Obviously no one kidnapped you for your coffee. If they even did at all and this isn’t just another dream.
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[14 Jul 2013|11:14pm]
Sooo. Hey.
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