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flipped rpg.

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[13 Jul 2013|12:36am]
Mr. Pacman is downright my favorite of the games. I've gotten very good at running around eating all the dots and timing when I turn the ghosts, so that I can catch as many of them as I can. I think I reached level twenty today. I am all worn out, all worn out. But don't worry, capitaine, I'll do some stretches now before I collapse into an armchair and call it a day and appreciate the wonders of leftovers meant purely for a day like today, and I don't think I like the sight of periods right now because they're too reminiscent of those dots. I'm not sure I can eat anything else for a while. Was there nutritional value to them? To the giant floating pieces of fruit? So people, how are you today? I'm just going to stay right here because apparently the splits are comfortable.
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[13 Jul 2013|10:51am]
Complete bollocks.


We need to talk.

Fuck it.
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[13 Jul 2013|10:39pm]
I don't recommend the frog game. Not even a little bit.
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[13 Jul 2013|11:49pm]
I'm becoming quite the thrill seeker, I'd like to think. What activity should I try next?
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