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flipped rpg.

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[12 Jul 2013|03:32pm]
Warded to Self
I really am the worst brother in the entire world. I didn't even realize he was gone until just now. For all I know, he could have been gone for weeks and I wouldn't have known. And he left while he was still mad at me too.

End Ward

My pictures here are a bit odd but I think I like them.
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[12 Jul 2013|06:21pm]
Who: Regulusunwind & Evancolour
What: Adorable cuddles
When: Backdated to Tuesday
Where: Evan's...wherever he's living
Warnings: Prolly language (knowing Evan). Prolly also mentions of ~inappropriate things~ Whatever. Don't judge me!

Read more... )
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[12 Jul 2013|06:35pm]
I have a stomach ache.
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[12 Jul 2013|07:06pm]
Pictures )

I think I might go see whales tomorrow. There's a place here where you can see a lot of them without even going out on the boat. Someone said something about Killer Whales.
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[12 Jul 2013|08:01pm]
Warded to: Epsilon
These games were a bad idea.
Tonight, I'm cooking meat. The animal had a quick death.
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[12 Jul 2013|09:15pm]
Alright, Scientists, it was rocky at first but O++ on the last few worlds. Now let's get you working on your guest list. After that I really see no reason to leave Maybe that's the point

Thank you for the trip, Dad.

[ her Charlie ]

Save tomorrow for me?
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[12 Jul 2013|09:51pm]
i always liked new york. its been real good to us this time too.

kate i found two other places who said they had the best strawberry jam in the city so we ought go to both tomorrow i think to test against the others, yeah?
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