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flipped rpg.

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[06 Jul 2013|10:29am]
So I think we should take advantage of this strange ability to travel before it's possibly taken away from us. Family vacation ideas? I'm not really sure how complete this "world" is and whether or not all the places we can think of are really there, but I could ask around.
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[06 Jul 2013|02:13pm]
...words still don't read the same.
2 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|02:43pm]
25 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|03:02pm]
[ jayne ]

[ ... ] bug?

[ daddy, vic ]

are you still here?

Fuck you, too.
38 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|03:02pm]

[ooc: unaware of camera and has no idea what to say as the memories come back]
195 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|05:49pm]

...Remus John Lupin, where the fuck are you?
109 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|08:08pm]
I've ruled out a bad accidental trip through a portkey, being drugged with hallucinogenic potions and simply going barking mad which, unfortunately, leaves this insane situation with little to no logic while still being more plausible than the more logical explanations I've considered. Honestly, I'd prefer the questionable potions of nefarious intent.

However, none of that is going to get me to court on time so I cannot say I'm particularly keen on any of the above. I am not a fan of tardiness.
33 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|10:14pm]
Private to Epsilon

Is he gone?
3 comments|post comment

[06 Jul 2013|11:17pm]
[ private ]

I'm nineteen. I'm not a little girl. And I can't—

[ daddy ]

[ ... ] I think it's time I get my own place. Is that okay? Back in the city, that is, not on the reserve. Of course.
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[ viewing | July 6th, 2013 ]
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