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flipped rpg.

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[07 Jul 2013|12:21am]

Because today is a happy day, I thought I'd paste in something that makes me happy.
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Pretend this was on time [07 Jul 2013|12:36am]
Left for Dirk in a pretty present box )
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[07 Jul 2013|01:00am]
Come, Come, Ludo, we both know that practical jokes are not your forte. My good Man, if you truly wish to pull the wool over someone's eyes in this manner, you certainly shouldn't attempt it on me, and you certainly should allow me to assist you.

Though, I must say, I am impressed by the number of actors you've hired for this scheme.

And the charms upon this journal are spectacular! Have you considered patenting this? You should.

Of course, if you haven't considered the notion before, I must say you should give me a percentage of the ownership rights since I have now given you the idea. We could make a nice lump sum off of something like this.

Speaking of which, are we still on for dinner in Cambridge this evening?
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[07 Jul 2013|01:06am]

The above has appeared in all journals and is accompanied by a ticking. After being observed by the character, the ticking will only be noticeable when the individual is actually looking at the countdown.
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[07 Jul 2013|01:13am]
[ ... ]

Quick! Dad! Get your suitcase!
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[07 Jul 2013|01:16am]
I guess this is what I get for feeling bored and longing for a flip again. If we get a bad flip, I am sorry. I will miss my flat. I do hope we come back here at some point.

Everyone collect whatever you wish to keep. We have some time before we go.
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[07 Jul 2013|01:25am]
Of course, I finally get to run a restaurant, the way I've always wanted to, and here they come taking us away from here. Thank you for that. Really, I appreciate it.

Edited in later: James, Mari, and Ro! Want to help me help someone keep sweets from going to waste? Lily, you're invited too.
21 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|01:29am]
Bloody hell!  I leave for a little while and come back to ticking.  Is this the flip stuff the pamphlet was talking about? 

Anyone miss me?  How long has it been anyway?
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[07 Jul 2013|01:34am]
Could someone explain why my journal sounds like it's about to explode? I was just about to go to sleep when it started ticking at me.
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[07 Jul 2013|01:37am]


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[07 Jul 2013|01:37am]
...Well, that noise doesn't sound ominous at all. What's going on?
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[07 Jul 2013|01:42am]
[Regen world]

I need [...] someone. Please.
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[07 Jul 2013|02:17am]
What the fuck is this ticking and is it going to fuck with the bonfire I was going to have tomorrow?
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[07 Jul 2013|02:18am]
But.... But.... DISNEY WORLD.
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[07 Jul 2013|02:20am]

I've got the ring. Nothing matters if I've got her and the ring. Really needed the radio though.
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[07 Jul 2013|02:21am]
so whats the ticky tock then?
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[07 Jul 2013|02:24am]
At least I got Vegas. And I managed not to get married this time.
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[07 Jul 2013|08:55am]
This is the compound I have grown to know.  I felt like I would never hear that ticking again.

Buckle in, this may be a bumpy ride.
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[07 Jul 2013|10:13am]

So...you guys are planning my welcome home party, right?
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[07 Jul 2013|10:54am]
Epsilon Block.
I will be unavailable for a few days.
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[07 Jul 2013|11:03am]
epsilon event

epsilon event )
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[07 Jul 2013|01:05pm]
A wizard has given me a sword ... well that at least is familiar.
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[07 Jul 2013|01:59pm]
8-bit world

THE NEXT WORLD [8-Bit World] )
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[07 Jul 2013|02:28pm]
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[07 Jul 2013|02:30pm]
You can pull people from any world and time but these are the best graphics you can manage? They get so much better, bros.
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[07 Jul 2013|03:16pm]

[ ... ] It takes less time than you think to get to America when you're determined.
160 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|03:24pm]
And here I thought we were finally at the end-game. Whatever this next world is, I'm just going to hope it doesn't involved being stabbed, beaten, or maimed. Again. Fuck
62 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|03:40pm]
i'm gettin the fuck out of here.
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[07 Jul 2013|03:44pm]
...I've seen this before. In one of [Dudley]'s video games from when we were younger.
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[07 Jul 2013|03:48pm]
private; Astrid&Abby&Daniel can see/comment
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[07 Jul 2013|03:49pm]
You take my daughter, again, and you expect me to play a fucking video game?

I'm going back to my house. Anyone else who doesn't want to waste their time go through the 'home' tunnel.
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[07 Jul 2013|03:59pm]
Just as a reminder, some of these games have potions and other health restoring items that are available to you. These items are safe for ingestion, and will not harm you. That being said, please do be careful. I hear that being trampled by a Chocobo hurts.
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[07 Jul 2013|04:20pm]
I don't understand this place.
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[07 Jul 2013|04:37pm]
[His Charlie]
If you feel like taking a break from the dragons, at least one of our sisters could use us. Ro's not letting me in but I've got Jo's magic and enough food to hold me over for a few days if that's what it takes. It's a sit-in. Outside.

added later:
Never mind. She made Sam come get her so I wouldn't see her 'like that'.

There's a lot of fuckery going on right now.
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[07 Jul 2013|05:40pm]

I'm Raphael. I need a Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello. Who wants to play?

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[07 Jul 2013|07:17pm]

Fuck this.

[ooc: Astrid got Dora to charm her entry for her so that no one could reply because she dun wanna talk about it. She just wants to express these feels and not discuss it.]

[07 Jul 2013|07:45pm]
[ ... ] So we can go back? So much for eating half my supply of candy.
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[07 Jul 2013|08:07pm]
Mm, I'm just going to take the home portal and stay back with the dragons, thanks.

[ a ward to all of the children and step-children ]
It's been hard lately, I know. [...] I'm always hear to listen. You don't have to take advantage of that if you don't wish to, but just remember it. I do love all of you.

[ added: bill ]
Astro has asked me to come and get her and take her with me to the reserve. She says she doesn't want you to see her 'like this.' I just wanted you to be aware that I'll have her and I'll keep an eye on her. I'll encourage her to reach out when she feels less hectic.
19 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|09:24pm]
Well, this is [...] cute.

And by cute, I mean what the fuck is this?
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[07 Jul 2013|10:38pm]
Dennis would have He would have liked this world...

[his Dennis and Justin]
I miss you.
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[07 Jul 2013|10:42pm]
Something I'm not entirely unfamiliar with...
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[07 Jul 2013|11:00pm]
Waste not.

We would never have to say goodbye,
if we never said hello.
I'll be your passer-by as you look ahead.
Never known.
Never found.


We would never have to say goodbye,
if we never said hello.

Games within a game. Clever.
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[07 Jul 2013|11:03pm]
I don't really understand this one bit but I climbed into what I can only imagine is a portrayal of an automobile from one of these 'other worlds' and proceeded to crash at least two dozen times. Yet it just kept letting me go and try again.

It was awesome.

72 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|11:16pm]
More muggle things. I refuse to take part I'm staying home.
19 comments|post comment

[07 Jul 2013|11:23pm]

You just made my day.
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