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[05 Jul 2013|01:07am]
Who: THG Regulus and THG Walburga
What: Regulus just really needs his mum
When: late Thursday night/early Friday morning
Where: Walburga's room
Warnings: PG for mention of character death in a nightmare?

he still had very vivid nightmares, like he was watching it again in his own head )
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[05 Jul 2013|12:21pm]
Who: Astrid & Sambaby
What: A run-in of sorts
When: Friday sometime
Where: IDEK. Sirius' house?
Warnings: None

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[05 Jul 2013|03:07pm]
Who: Regulusunwind & Siriuscolour
What: Regulus needs Sirius time Siriusly
When: Sometime Friday...afternoonish
Where: Outside the coolkid Black family house
Warnings: None

Today was going to be another one of those days )
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[05 Jul 2013|08:21pm]
Who: Neville & Dudleyukr
When: Sometime Friday...afternoonish
Where: The greenhouse
Warnings: Probably none?

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Greetings From [05 Jul 2013|08:32pm]
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I bring the nifflers to the yard [05 Jul 2013|10:31pm]

My dazzle brings all the nifflers to the yard,
And they're like
It's treasure I seek,
Damn right it's mine to keep.
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[05 Jul 2013|11:33pm]
This place does wonders to a person doesn't it? Brought from one place to another, socializing with those we never thought we would. Forced to live with those whom we would have turned our backs on. Truly a wonder of how much a man can actually change.

And truly a wonder that none of this can change a man.
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