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[04 Jul 2013|10:28am]
Well, happy Fourth of July to our resident American. In absence of an Irish independence day and the possibility of romanticising my wife into- and having lived in the U.S. for a few years myself, I feel at least entitled to a hot dog.

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[04 Jul 2013|11:22am]
It's weird. I was born in England, but I've lived in Hawaii since I was five. Kills my father when I say it, but I consider myself more American than British. I even got my citizenship.

That being said, where can I get some good fireworks for tonight? Have my own little Independence Day celebration. Maybe a hotdog or two.
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[04 Jul 2013|10:47pm]
Who: Astridbaby & Dorabdh
What: Buying bathingsuits and talking flamingo pool party
When: Early Thursday
Where: SHOPS...and places
Warnings: None

She said to be cool, but I'm already coolest )
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[04 Jul 2013|11:04pm]
Photographer missing.

The newspaper will start a weekly delivery. If I can't get enough for it, I think I might make it every other week. NO! I think I'll just make it every other week already. It'll be a bit easier.

Are you alright?
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[04 Jul 2013|11:25pm]
Who: Tedregen
What: Sitting by himself on a beach and being selfish
When: Early Thursday
Where: Oceanside
Warnings: None

The beach was beautiful )
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