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[30 Jun 2013|12:25am]
Who: SiriusKnap and LilyKnap
What: A bit of comfort and breakfast.
When: Saturday morning
Where: Lily's bedroom
Warnings: None

... )
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[30 Jun 2013|01:12pm]
Another crossroads; yet this time, I think, the path is clearer.

Private to Louise
Would you agree that the income from the casino far exceeds our personal needs? If so, I have a few ideas on how we might put these funds to some useful purpose here, but I would like to discuss them with you first. I also believe we should visit this hotel in person, since I seem to have a right to reserve rooms there. Would you want to make this a personal trip, or do you believe your family would want to visit this Las Vegas? I feel that I should offer them such hospitality, now that it is within my means to do so. … Actually, I confess, this suggestion does relate to one of the possibilities I was considering, with these expanded resources. A test of its feasibility, as it were; but I certainly would not object to a more intimate holiday, if that is more your preference.
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[30 Jun 2013|01:59pm]
    Listen. I don't like you, and I sure as fuck know you don't like me much, either. But you know, tough shit, right? You can't just ignore [...] I care about your brother, a lot, and the fact he's upset now doesn't sit particularly well with me. I'm not asking for a ticker-tape parade, but at the very least you shouldn't push him aside on my account.

    We just have to deal with each other. If you can be reasonable, I can't see why it can't work. If not, I'm preparing a pre-emptive "go fuck yourself"
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[30 Jun 2013|02:50pm]
I sign off for a couple weeks to go away and explore the new digs and I come back to all the sadness. I, Jane Charlotte Potter, do hereby decree that we seriously need to have some kind of weekly bonfire party because there's no way you can be totally sad when you're eating marshmallows and picturing Evans shirtless. The last part is probably just me but you get the point.

I'm calling it Shindig Saturday. The first one will be next weekend.
76 comments|post comment

[30 Jun 2013|03:16pm]
[ her Remus ]

Come on a walk with me. I've got chocolate?

[ Added after the walk ]
[ Ginnyhope ]

[ ... ] Are you busy?
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[30 Jun 2013|03:32pm]
The past couple of mornings I've been waking up and forgetting about all this experiment/scientists/compound stuff. Bit confusing, this house replica thing.
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[30 Jun 2013|03:52pm]
Someone mentioned s'mores a bit ago, but I can't have just s'more. Anyone that knows me knows that I need s'all.
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delivered via owl to Mariana Black. [30 Jun 2013|04:07pm]

Read more... )
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[30 Jun 2013|06:51pm]
Presents delivered to Eris and Bran )
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[30 Jun 2013|07:06pm]
[ Astrid ]

[ ... ] Thanks, High Priestess.

[ baby world ]

Mum left yesterday. Just so you're aware.
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Delivery: Arthur Pendragon [30 Jun 2013|07:06pm]

On the dining room table that evening, with only xoxoxoxo on the note.
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[30 Jun 2013|08:50pm]
So they told me this book was for communication. Looks like a journal to me. How does a book communicate?

Looks like England. Smells like England. I bet I'm in fucking England. Great. Aloha.
21 comments|post comment

[30 Jun 2013|09:03pm]
Sweetie honey sugar gelato, come here so I can knock you out with my mad lovin' and go on a trip with my twin sister and chocolate sister.

EVERYONE ELSE, behave yourselves. Being bold is for Weasley twins. We have the toilet seats to prove it.
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[30 Jun 2013|09:30pm]
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[30 Jun 2013|10:15pm]
I started thinking about how it would be fun if my shop actually looked like its namesake and I showed up with the storefront looking like this. I can't decide if it's bloody cool that it turned into Bilbo's hobbit hole or if it's creepy that the magic here got inside my head. Either way, I kind of want to live here now.

Rose, can we live in the Shire?
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