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[01 Jul 2013|01:21am]
My patience has

[Captain Epsilon]
[...] What is the reason anymore?

[Evan and Lily Rosieruwn]
Lessons have been temp postponed for the time being.
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[01 Jul 2013|01:33am]
Left on his desk in his room for Lily Luna Potter )
Package to Jayne Lupin )
Left on the doorstep of the BDH!Lupin Home meant specifically for Dora )
Note to Lysander Scamander )
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[01 Jul 2013|08:24am]
Alright. Going to try this again. Apparently magic is real. What the fuck is that.

Anyway, I'm Arion. There was a me here before, I think? Well, yeah... Aloha.

So, Dorcas told me you've got rooms for people who don't really have another place to stay? Is that offer open? And does it come with clothes? I'm not exactly dressed for this weather.
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[01 Jul 2013|02:09pm]

I'm in trouble, aren't I? I'm sorry, mum! Dad?! I didn't mean to sneak out with Alex and Karl […] Fine, maybe I did, but I didn't expect you to find o you to go all commander on me! What is this place? It looks like prison. And who was that guy who wouldn't stop talking? Am I in deep trouble?

It wasn't even my idea Don't punish them too much. It was my idea. You know how much I love Mich Jagger. We shouldn't have lied, but […] I don't want to be here anymore. It's creepy

Hello? Mum?
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[01 Jul 2013|06:31pm]
Both my parents are here. I mean, they aren't mine but they are. They both know who I am and they remember raising me. I'm scared I'll screw it up or I won't be the guy they want to be.

I've been spending time with my mum and she's great but it's so weird and[...] well neither of them know what happened to them in our world. I mean, unless someone else told them but I haven't.
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[01 Jul 2013|06:47pm]
Swap-World Weasley Family
As you may know, through the humor of the Scientists I recently acquired a partial ownership of a hotel in the American city of Las Vegas, the Excalibur. Among other things, this gives me the right to reserve up to seven rooms there for my own use, or those of other guests. Louise and I intend to visit this city for the upcoming American holiday on July 4th, both to see what this hotel is like and simply for enjoyment. As I gather the city is a well-known destination for holidays, we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us, if you are willing or able. You may also invite other friends if you like, providing some people do not mind sharing accommodations. Also I do understand this is short notice, but if you cannot make it this trip right away but are still interested in visiting the city, I would gladly extend my hospitality to you all on whatever occasion it suits you. Eventually I intend to make this available to all of the denizens of the compound, but as the immediate family of my lady girlfriend I thought it was but meet and courteous that I should give you all the first chance of doing so.
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[01 Jul 2013|06:54pm]
Right. So this is a load of bollocks.

Where’s the loo?
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[01 Jul 2013|07:33pm]
I realize what I was told after finding myself in the not-hospital wing, but I'm having some problems coming to terms with this... I know that the Room of Requirement gives you whatever you need, but isn't this a bit of a stretch even for it, isn't it? This isn't what I needed at all. And the way it's been explained to me this seems far fetched, even for Hogwarts, in fact I'm becoming more and more certain this is a Death Eater plot.

My name is Frank Longbottom. I'm the Defense professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I'd very much like some answers that make sense if that isn't asking too much... Alice is going to kill me...
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[01 Jul 2013|10:14pm]
so what if we all are just like dreaming and none of this is happening
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[01 Jul 2013|11:02pm]
Just tell me you are okay. That is all I need to know. Please don't leave me. Don't die. I can't

I know Can I please come sit with you?

Sometimes it feels like I've never really left home, but only sometimes. Something always reminds me I'm not there but some things take me back years.
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