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[07 Jun 2013|12:09am]
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pleased with how these turned out. They aren't really sought after in District 2, being an Asiatic weapon, but I saw a pair during my games that I've always wanted to replicate. I suppose I should work on crafting some sort of display case for them, assuming our kindly hosts allow me to take them to the next world. If there is one?

Speaking of trade — anyone in need of a steel weapon shall find me at the Arrow Tavern in Knockturn Alley. I am interested in acquiring antique fixtures, should anyone be in possession of some.
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[07 Jun 2013|12:53am]
Warded to: Kate Ridgebit-Black
I think we may be here a while, which means that we need to start a new operation. With Sam out of town, this is the perfect time to scout locations and start making plans. Do you want to be my coconspirator again?
What's the prettiest place you have seen around here? I've seen some remarkable things, for a town of Scotland-England-Wales-Ireland-France-ia. I try not to tinker so long I don't get out. But I've not seen everything yet.
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[07 Jun 2013|01:40pm]
LORCAN! Mum and Dad said I could have the puppy! And we're going to call her Sadie!

Can I come get her now?
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[07 Jun 2013|04:51pm]
I know I've been quiet but it's just that I haven't had a greenhouse all to myself in awhile.

That being said, I have loads of extra herbs and things for any potion makers out there.

And anyone is welcome to tend to the plants but you might want to let me know first because some of them are very particular

Warded to Mum
Do you want to spend some time together? Maybe have dinner or something?
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[07 Jun 2013|08:54pm]
As much as I thoroughly enjoy working in the grocery, it doesn't seem a proper application of my skills. However, seeing as my skills were never intended to be applied in the first place, I haven't the faintest idea what sort of job would be suitable for me.

It's thoroughly frustrating to have so much ambition and yet feel so limited, all at once.
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[07 Jun 2013|10:44pm]
Are there bicycles here? A bicycle shop or maker or (...) ?

[Private: Walburga BlackTHG]
Wherever you are, come to the kitchen.

[Private: Dorea Blackcolour]
Thank you. You're cupcakes are amazing and also I love you.
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[07 Jun 2013|10:50pm]
Is there a pub and if so will someone please point me in that direction?
I thank you in advance.
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[07 Jun 2013|11:54pm]
Warded to: Janie Potter
Long )

Warded to: Captain Epsilon
Where have you been, capitaine? I have been rising early to exercise, and you are not to be seen. I assume you can read my letter to Janie. And I mean it. I'm not the same woman, and I don't want to go back and lose everything I've become here, these experiences, these people. If Alpha means to get rid of me, don't let me die. That's what going back would mean.
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