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[06 Jun 2013|01:04am]
Delivery for Alphard Black )
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[06 Jun 2013|03:42am]
I maaaaay or may not have pimped out Duke's face. To my uncle. I don't know if I should be concerned about my actions or not. He's my GREAT uncle, but [...] well, it wasn't like I told them to shag or anything. It was just his face.

I saw you got an alterna-sibliiiing. How's that? ALSO HOW IS YOUR FACE? THAT WHICH I LOVE SO DEARLY!

I think I officially found my limit on sugar. I think I'll give it a few hours and I should be fine.

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[06 Jun 2013|04:13am]

[his Narcissa]
Sirius and I are going to be working on brooms. This may end tragically. I thought I should warn you ahead of time. This way you will hardly be surprised by my untimely and yet utterly predictable demise.

Don't fear too much. I'll do my best to prevent such an occurrence.

Out of curiosity [...] has anyone started a Quidditch store?
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[06 Jun 2013|09:11am]
It's interesting where people seem to prioritize jobs in such a small society.

[Filtered to Moody]
How's your DMLE coming along?
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[06 Jun 2013|11:24am]
Tick tock, everyone.

[Warded to everyone who responded here and anyone else interested in law enforcement]
If you're still interested, I'm going to start training tomorrow morning. I've had enough of all of this talk, no action, so show up of you're willing so we can get to work.
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[06 Jun 2013|04:23pm]
Warded to Lily and Evan Rosieruwn
Evan, this serves as a mere reiteration of my earlier offer. I am willing to teach you both, whether it must be established with the Scientists or not. If you are interested, we can begin developing an appropriate schedule immediately.
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[06 Jun 2013|06:29pm]
[ Billsquib ]

[ ... ] Hi.

There's really no easy way to do this? I should know, I've had [ ... ] I've lost count of how many times I've had to do this. Multiple times, in the case of some people. Right, not the point. I'm Kate. I'm your stepsister, in the future obviously. I just wanted to say hi.
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[06 Jun 2013|06:49pm]
Who's in charge of the pamphlet?
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[06 Jun 2013|10:25pm]
So who's paying you?

Some of you got jobs people here pay you. Some of you don't. Where's the money come from? Why's it worth anything? And you that do work people don't pay you to, how's you know how much you're making?
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