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[18 May 2013|01:35pm]
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[18 May 2013|02:39pm]
Experimentation? I did not consent to this. I've got an audition tomorrow and it's my night with Olly. Where's my agent? I didn't get drafted for some new version of Big Brother did I? Did that once. Hated it. Ce n'est pas correct. Je ne consens pas à ce sujet!
120 comments|post comment

[18 May 2013|04:59pm]
Attention: George Weasley. You are needed (and wanted and loved and whatever whatever, amen).
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[18 May 2013|06:15pm]
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[18 May 2013|06:28pm]
doctor upsilon and miss pie
Hey, sexy ladies, so I know that George wants her ear to be repaired and I'm all for that, but I also know that sometimes there are catches. And don't get me wrong, I think you're both brill, but if there's a price to be paid?

Please don't make her pay it. Whatever it is, put it on me. George has been through enough.
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[18 May 2013|07:44pm]

[ooc: there are multiple dots of ink on the page from where she tried to start a sentence and just gave up]
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[18 May 2013|08:55pm]
[edited after speaking with Wil Weasleyswap and Jayne Lupinbdh]

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, what in the name of Merlin are you up to now? At this hour of the night? I just got up to use the loo and now I'm (...) caught up in whatever this is. In my nightgown. You are lucky term has not started up again, Mister. I do not know how menacing I can look in a nightgown. You owe me. You owe me big. You owe me one conversation lasting up to or exceeding that of an hour on theoretical magic and a spot of tea. It's cold. And drafty. And I don't have my slippers. My toes look like ice cubes. I wish you had left me a bathrobe and a pair of slippers instead of a journal and a fantastical pamphlet about. What is it? Multiverse? Does this have to do in with our past conversations about (...) you know. You know.

I'm going to find some tea. And a bed. And I'll speak with you in the morning. Or, something. Let me know what it is you're doing, how I can be of assistance, and why I was not included in the preparations because this is some magnificent work, my dear friend. Magnificent. Beautiful. Fantastic. I have a whole arsenal of words at my disposal to let you know how truly wonderful I find this level of spell work and I shall tell you over breakfast tomorrow. Bring chocolate. My frozen feet can only be apologized to with chocolate. Oh, and a book, though I fear I will have little time for reading.

If this pamphlet is to be believed, locating people that I know amounts to a name and list of family members, as such:

My name is Professor Minerva Elspeth McGonagall. I was taken from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on the 15th August 1960. If there are any individuals by the last name McGonagall here, please make yourselves known. Furthermore, I would greatly appreciate knowing if there is an Albus Dumbledore here from any world. Some of these worlds are-

I am not sure which world I am from myself. Further research seems necessary. What I can tell you is that there were no wars there. The last ended in the mid 1940's. Albus Dumbledore is Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a Master of Transfiguration of myself and as such teach the subject under his leadership. Furthermore, I am Head of Gryffindor House and have been since 1956.

I also have a pressing need to locate appropriate attire.
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[18 May 2013|08:58pm]
To my darling sister, Walburga.

While I truly do regret the great disturbance I must have caused you last night, I cannot find it in my heart to be genuinely apologetic about ruining your dinner party. I am certain, had someone captured the sheer look of horror on Orion's face, you would be unable to as well. For surely, if they had, we would have framed it and took it out to look upon whenever he was being especially wankerish. Which is to say, most days. Every day. To be fair, he was asking for it. You know how I hate when he turns his nose up and starts speaking as if I am an imbecile the family just happened to stumble upon and take in out of the goodness of their hearts. As we all well know, there is no goodness in their hearts. Besides, I still remember when you shoved him into those ridiculous itchy dress robes when we were children. The amount of material I have on that man to use as blackmail is sinful, and yet I keep it mostly to myself because I am such a good person.

However, I am appalled at the lengths you have gone to simply to make a point. Had you just not spoken with me today I would have gotten the point, Bug. I would have gotten the point, showed up promptly at your door, and further annoyed your awful monstrosity of a husband. Then, of course, tea with Lucretia, visit with the girls, etc. etc.

That being said, I humbly insist you stop whatever this is at once and allow me to come home. I'm missing a sock and this place is most unsettling. Is this some secret Ministry Department we'll hear about in years to come when it has a complete and utter meltdown? You do see why I told father to shove it (I would insist you pardon my language, but- well-) when he tried to fit me in to one of those positions now, yes? You would miss me too much. Let's face it.

In fact, I don't see how you haven't caved yet. What if I look especially pathetic? Which I'm fairly certain I do at the moment. What with me being in yesterday's clothing and I'm pretty sure I have a black eye, Walburga. While I admit it makes my baby blues stand out all the more, this wardrobe does absolutely nothing for it. There are buttons missing, Wally. Multiple buttons. Not to mention the wine stain. We've already covered the sock. So. Yes. I would like to go home now please. I have most likely learned my lesson. Probably.

Love your darling baby brother,
Alphard S. Black

P.S. I took Orion's favorite tie pin. And traveling cloak. And some dinner rolls because I was not finished with my meal when he opened his mouth and decided to spew his, goodness Bug, I'm horrified to say it, but I do believe those were his thoughts. I weep. I do. What hope do our future generations have? Oh, what a world. What a world.
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[18 May 2013|09:02pm]
So. I know I've been here before, though it's a bit fuzzy the details.

My name's Ro Hooch. What do I need to know?
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[18 May 2013|10:03pm]
I'm going to need details about this baby you have.

This place feels very small.

Dear Compound,

We need some vampires in here so that us werewolves aren't the only monsters.

It's a bit boring and ordinary around here, yeah?

Stirring the shit,

RJ Lupin.
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[18 May 2013|10:18pm]
[ Private ]

Why now? Hannah's done it, Riddle's been locked up. You can't tell me her followers are still bitter, not after being so thoroughly trounced. They ought to be licking their wounds, not capturing people. And certainly not letting them walk around and keep their things and encouraging them to talk amongst themselves with the strangest piece of tech I've ever seen. And there's a block to my cell. And the palm pilot. Bloody useful hunks of plastic they are now. I could still use them as weapons, though.

[ End]

Commander Fawkes.
Serial number 294508.
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[18 May 2013|10:28pm]
I'd guess I'd fallen asleep and woken up on the wrong side of the game except that the one I was playing was nothing like this and, let's be real, that's not likely to happen. I'm also not asleep right now, I checked, soooo this clearly isn't a dream.

Alright, so multiple universes, parallel timelines and alternate selves. When's the lecture on M-theory, again? [...] I think I sat on my Reese's Cup on the way here. That might be the most ridiculous part of this whole thing.
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[18 May 2013|10:34pm]

I've been kidnapped from the Lestrange manor and brought to a compound where I'll be housed with other's as experiments and tested?

I've lost it haven't I? None of this is logical. There has to be something logical to explain it and it's simple. I've been killed or I've bloody lost it. No. That mark still hurts so I'm not dead. I've gone and lost it then.

What are Ronnie and Hannah going to do without me? Why do I even bother asking that I know the answer. I can't have died, they'll die without me there to make sure they stop fighting long enough to get through this.
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[18 May 2013|11:08pm]
I want the veela. Do you have an attachment to him yet?
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[18 May 2013|11:19pm]
So I'm pretty sure I broke colour!Dad today. Still got it~
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