July 30th, 2011

[info]damascusroad in [info]firstclassrpg

Who: Raven Darkholme, Logan Howlett, & Felix Jäger
Where: The Shreveport Police Station
When: Evening, just after the riot
Rating: PG
Summary: Raven infiltrates the Shreveport Police Station as Sheriff Kemp to look at look at the files on the James murder, just when Logan has the excellent timing to bring in a bounty.

Her eye caught on a polished plaque, extolling some merit of excellence, with the sheriff's name engraved in the metal. Briskly, she ripped it off the wall. A pirouetted glance around the room located the trash bin and she dropped the award into it. Thoughroughly satisfying, but not what she'd come for. )

[info]_white_noise in [info]firstclassrpg

Who: Elsa Krauss and anyone else who might want to join in.
Where: New York City - inside of a bank.
When: Day 3
What: As part of her effort to start a real life (as opposed to a life traveling with the freak show) Elsa has set out to open an account for herself. She doesn’t know just yet that she’s walking into a robbery.
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