June 26th, 2011

[info]babystorm in [info]firstclassrpg

Who: Ororo Munroe, Elliot Ashdown, and others TBA
Where:New York City, streets Broadway
When: January 15, 1963
Rating: G, PG
Summary: The recruitment of Storm

Skeptical At First )

[info]figliachepiange in [info]firstclassrpg

Who: Elliot Ashdown and Charles Xavier.
Where: X-mansion,
Westchester county.
When: December 26 1962, back dated.
Rating: G, maybe PG for occasional curse words.
Summary: Elliot arrives a day early to her appointment at the X-mansion.


[info]trickace in [info]firstclassrpg

Who: Felix Jäger, Remy LeBeau, possible others.
Where: Shreveport, Louisiana.
When: January 15, 1963.
Rating: PG-13 for safety.
Summary: If the police aren't properly investigating Dorothy James' murder, other people have taken it upon themselves to do their job for them.

Some people figured Louisiana was always hot the way it was in the summer. )