Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - October 14th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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October 14th, 2007

My lovely finishes. [Oct. 14th, 2007|05:38 pm]



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I should treat myself to something..I'm doing pretty dang good. All fics in above post are rated pg-13 to R. Nothing too bad or anything.
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Another one bites the dust... [Oct. 14th, 2007|10:02 pm]

I just finished the first [info]snape_after_dh fic. 7000 words. I'm exhaused. I've also discovered while reading over it that if you are writing fast while very tired, you have Harry cast a tickling charm to open doors.

Title: Burning Day
Length: About 7000 words
Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Snape
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When looking for a birthday present for Albus, Harry and Lily come across a phoenix, who Lily promptly names Severus.

Epilogue compliant Snarry, aren't you proud?
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