Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - September 26th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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September 26th, 2007

modly reminder [Sep. 26th, 2007|04:43 pm]



Lists can be posted through September 30, which is only four days away.

Also, I found this site, which has links to writing software available to download for Mac and PC.
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Pink's List [Sep. 26th, 2007|06:51 pm]


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(Too Long) List: )
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Dracoluvah's list [Sep. 26th, 2007|09:45 pm]
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1. Snaco exchange - due Oct. 15th (I'm screwed)
2. "Snape after DH" another one due Oct. 15th
3. "10 kinks" table 6 h/d
4. A birthday fic for a friend
5. SS/DM story for Synn

Unfortunately, I've had a small relapse of depression and I'm having a hard time writing.
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