❛ knew that somehow I could find my way back.❜ -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
❝ knew that somehow I could find my way back. ❞

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❝ so when you think of me, do so with pride. honor and bravery ruled by my side. ❞ [17 May 2011|11:31pm]
[ Jon walked along the Wall, late at night, his turn on the rounds. Forever sworn to be part of the Nightwatch. Or at least about to be sworn to. Which was fine by him, in all honest means. He was a bastard son. He would bring shame to his father if he ever had a child... not to mention he hadn't found a woman he'd want to father a child with. Not that there weren't beautiful or deserving women in the land of Winterfell.

Just none that he could see breaking his vow of self honor to. ]

[ viewing | May 17th, 2011 ]
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