❛ knew that somehow I could find my way back.❜ [entries|friends|calendar]
❝ knew that somehow I could find my way back. ❞

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❝ holy shit a test drive meme for all the people. ❞ [22 Jan 2017|04:27pm]



✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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❝ brought to you by HELP I REMEMBER HOW MUCH I LOVE DC mun. ❞ [09 Aug 2016|08:06pm]



✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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❝ oh how i love to be, love to be the underdog. ❞ [12 Apr 2014|01:31pm]



✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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❝ i'm holding on very tight, i'm finding i can fly, so high above with you. ❞ [30 Mar 2014|10:11pm]

Jane tried to not feel as if the whole thing was her fault. She put on a brave face and that bossy attitude of hers after the funeral. She showed remorse when she felt it was needed, and expressed her regret to the Asguardians but she knew it wouldn't bring back their Queen. Their Queen that wouldn't have died if it wasn't for her. Their city that wouldn't have been broken if it wasn't for her. If she hadn't been so curious then the Aether probably wouldn't have found her as a host.

Then again, if she hadn't and someone else did...

Well. There was a reason why she offered to stay in Asgard to help and repair the damage. She wanted to prove to them that people from Earth (er, Midgard) weren't useless. They could help just as much as they could help her world. It was a steep learning curve with their terms, but she was determined. She'd leave Asgard when she felt things had been repaired as best as they could. Besides! She did have the Aether inside her. Maybe she had some insights they could use!

That didn't cover the fact that there were murmurs of Thor becoming King of Asgard. Or the fact he lost her hand because of her. And, while she was socially awkward? It didn't stop her from realizing that if Thor became King then their relationship (was it a relationship?) would have to end. He'd need a queen and she was very, very, very sure they wouldn't like the idea of their King eying a human woman.

She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, hands in her skirts. They were gorgeous skirts. That didn't stop her from thinking how long it would be before Thor told her that she would have to go back to Earth.

❝ all these roads steer me wrong, but i still drive them all night long. ❞ [27 Mar 2014|01:59am]

[ It was supposed to be simple. Go to Rapture. Find Comstock. End him. Now... now? Now it's all gone wrong. No, not wrong, just... different. Unexpected really.

Time is running out. She only has so much time to find Comstock and get him to the proper place. It has to be before the New Years Eve Riots. Because she has to make sure it happens. Behind all the doors are multiple futures, but only one where Comstock is. This one. Except now there's him, and Elizabeth isn't sure what path to take now.

It is easy to see which door will lead to where. One leads him to joining Atlas' side and everything falls apart. One leads him to a new place, on the surface, but sometimes Josephina isn't with him. One leads him to another universe with her. Safe with his little sister, but they don't remember things as they should. Tears do that to normal people.

Then there's one that is so far away that she wonders if she can even get him there. One door that will lead him to a harder future, maybe Josephina is there and maybe she isn't, but he's with her. Not the same Elizabeth, of course, because she has her own path to walk. She has her own debts to settle and she knows them. This her though, she's so... broken. A version that needs exactly what Cordero can give her. Someone that will love her, care for her, hold her. One version of her can be happy with him. Its settling another debt really. Elizabeth knows exactly which version of her that one is.

She doesn't like to remember that sunny day in the river. Its still too painful. She misses Booker so much. Even then she knows she has to walk back to that day. She has to stand therein the water in front of Booker DeWitt as he pieces it all together. He always was smarter than he gave himself credit for. One by one, piece by piece, Booker realizes he's Zachary Comstock. He realizes that the cycle of Columbia can only end if he dies there. Everything of that timeline has to be erased.

"He's Zachary Comstock." A younger version of her says. Her hair long and in a Sunday dress.

"No. He's Booker DeWitt" That version says. Elizabeth looks at her.

She is so broken. Her small hands cling onto Booker's arm like a lifeline. He is. He's the only thing keeping her together. In that moment, Elizabeth sees everything this version of her has gone through. The torture at Comstock's hands, the months spent with Booker, the betrayal of Daisy, and how she convinced her Booker not to come. Except they both knew that Booker would come to the river. Now this version of her, who calls herself Anna DeWitt, is crying and begging him with her eyes not to go through with it. Booker looks at his Anna sadly before looking at Elizabeth. There is understanding in his eyes and she simply nods.

"No. I'm both."

Her hands go up with her other selves to drown him out. One by one they all disappear. Except her, but somehow, this version of her still exists too. Elizabeth isn't sure why Anna is there, but they are walking parallel paths. Anna falls deeper into depression and anger while Elizabeth continues dutifully down her path. Elizabeth stands then in front of Anna. The woman who looks exactly like her hugs herself and stumbles down a cobblestone path. It looks like Victorian London, but it isn't. That's when she realizes that she owes Anna a debt too. Not just Booker, not just Daisy, not just Sally. Anna too. Anna had her father taken away by her and now she has no one. She deserves someone, while Elizabeth is the one who has decided to finish the path. Anna is what she can't be: free.

She decides then that while the time she has now is precious and special, it has to end. She has to find Comstock and ends this all. She has to close this door and settle all her debts like her father did. It will be hard--walking this path never is. Cordero will be hurt and lost until he finds Anna, but it will be better for both of them. It hurts to let someone go that she cares about. Now she really understands how Booker felt.

Elizabeth looks up from the mirror in the bathroom. Pushing away from the sink, having seen Anna look back at her, she turns to exist the room. Now all that is left is to set the stage for this play. She has her own to attend and Cordero has his. ]

❝ they keep me thinking that we almost had it all. ❞ [07 Mar 2014|10:46pm]


❝ 'cause you make me feel like i've been locked out of heaven. ❞ [06 Mar 2014|10:25pm]

[ Wow. It's her birthday again. That came fast. To think she had a birthday in Mandalus before having this one. She's the same age, according to the calendar, but she's almost like a year older. Sort of. Does it really count if you're mentally twenty-seven but by the count of Earth you're still twenty-six?

Probably not.

Either way, Clara doesn't really expect much for her birthday. Her father called (with Linda ranting in the background) to wish her a happy birthday. The kids in her class brought her a few ridiculous presents (like apples, chewable erasers) and the like. Some of her co-workers offered to go out for drinks (bless poor Danny Pink he tries so hard), but she turned down the offer. They asked if she'd spend all night grading papers and she said probably. Being a grown up with a birthday isn't much of a big deal.

Although she really is hoping that the Doctor would drop in for a surprise visit. Things have been different since they got back from Mandalus. Though she tried hiding it all under the rug and act like it was normal? It really hasn't been. They showed back up to save Gallifrey and since then there has been a bounce in his step. Though sometimes she feels like he looks at her a bit sadly--like he thinks she'll disappear if he looks away too long. Clara tries to ignore the looks and just smiles at him instead. Because, really, she isn't going anywhere.

She opens the door and steps into her flat, dropping her bag on the ground with a big sigh. Finally. Home. ]

{ title here } [22 Feb 2014|03:18am]

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"


bold italics underline strike


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❝ so kiss me on this cold december night.. ❞ [24 Nov 2013|03:07pm]


{{ the holiday wishes meme }}

post a comment with your character! [ NAME | CANON ]
set up a scenario or wait for others to post with holiday cheer!
please label spoilers/potential smut!

[call me out] ❝ we've got the same old hands, we've made the same old plans. ❞ [07 Nov 2013|11:36am]


【 call me OUT. 】
a roleplay meme to inspire muses.
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❝ i remember all the best days, on my way home. ❞ [19 Sep 2013|11:55pm]



❧ Comment with your muse, placing the desired muse in the subject.
❧ If you have a particular RP verse with them? List it as well.
❧ The setting is your choice but is in fall!
❧ Pick one scenario:
🍁 Body Heat. The temperature is dropping and you both need some heat. Blankets, cuddles, hot drinks, anything that will bring the two of you together.
🍁 Sightseeing. Together, you both see the sights of the city. The leaves are falling and the pumpkins are out.
🍁 The Last Night. The next morning marks a significant point in your life that you do not want to face. You have the night before hand to spend with one person. What will you do?
🍁 Hurt+Comfort. One of you has been hurt recently. It is time to brighten up the spirits and let the injured one know it'll be alright.
🍁 You Decide! Have a scenario you want to play? Name it!

[call me out] ❝ a little party ain't never killed nobody. ❞ [26 Jul 2013|03:38pm]


【 call me OUT. 】
a roleplay meme to inspire muses.
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❝ starships were meant to fly, so hands up and touch the sky. ❞ [08 Jul 2013|02:01am]

random scenario meme.

✰ Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
✰ Go to RNG and enter 1-6 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
✰ Have fun!

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❝ itt's time to begin, isn't it? ❞ [18 May 2013|11:55pm]

(( below is a thread for each active muse. simply tag their thread and receive awesome things! ))

❝ the shadows on my wall don't sleep, they keep calling me, beckoning... ❞ [17 May 2013|10:46pm]

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.


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