❛ knew that somehow I could find my way back.❜ -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
❝ knew that somehow I could find my way back. ❞

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❝ the bittersweet between my teeth, trying to find the in-betweens. ❞ [16 May 2011|12:46pm]
[ It felt good to be home again, where she belonged. But she missed it - will miss it - is missing it? The ability to run with her Doctor like all their strays do. Holding his hand. Kissing him - biting him! Most of all talking with him. Being able to tell him what she thought and felt beyond the chimes or lights dimming or flooding his mind with emotions. It wasn't the same as talking.

She had archived Idris's genetic code just in case. In case one day she could. Miracles happened. They saw so many miracles. Until that miracle came, she'd have to be very clever in how to do what she was doing. It took so much power to do it. She'd have to refuel for days! But, it was worth it. Her Doctor was always worth it.

While he was doing his little hobbies out and about her corridors, the TARDIS suddenly lurched. The silver lever slammed down and the sound of the parking breaks echoed through out the halls. The doors locked. She was going to surprise her Doctor. ]

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