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[25 Aug 2009|04:06am]
Hi! I am looking for a few specific people for a few games:

First at Gilded Court [info]gilded_mods, a really awesome AU game that explores a world where the Malfoy family rules both wizarding and muggle Great Britain we really need the following folks:

Frank Longbottom- Frank is the leader of the progressive moment, and his son just got married. We'd also love him to bring back his lovely wife, Alice

Vincent Crabbe - Draco and Greg really need their third, and Draco needs a head for his royal guard.

Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe or any other 'Claw Girls - Mandy and Morag need friends!

At Quaffle! [info]quaffle_mods, a Soap Opera style HP game that focuses on personal plot and quidditch, we would love to see:

Coaches! - The Cannons, Wasps and Puddlemere all need coaches! These positions are open to OCs.

Ron Weasley - Hermione needs her boyfriend. Ideally he would be the keeper for the Cannons.

Ernie MacMillian - Zach needs his BFF

Kenneth Towler - Oliver wants his BFF and his son's godfather around.

and finally for Recuperatio, a dark Post-DH game:

Daphne Greengrass: Astoria needs her big sister. They are war orphans whose father lost the family fortune. They share a small cottage in Wales, and Astoria considers Daphne her best friend. She just started dating Draco, and needs big sisterly advice.

Rodolphus Lestrange and older Death Eaters - Can you really trust taking the Ministry back to the young pups? We need leaders.
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[25 Aug 2009|04:49am]
I haven't been here in a while, but hello! I'm Rose and I'm playing Andromeda Black at [info]the_love_boat via [info]boat_mods, and I have a very simple request.

The way I see it, Andromeda Black was probably betrothed to some pureblood before she got knocked up and ran away with Ted ( because, personally, I don't see how Tonks wasn't an accident. In a good way. ). So I would like to see said ex-fiancee. Perhaps an Avery, or Amycus Carrow, Rookwood? All of the DE and dark lord supporters would like them around too, so really it's two birds with one stone if you're interested.
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[25 Aug 2009|12:07pm]
Hi I'm Steff and I play Sirius Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Rylett Talitha at [info]darkmark_rising, and I'm looking for some characters!

Kingsley Shacklebolt: Not only is he the quidditch captain and 6th year prefect, he's got lots of friends! Sirius would love to see him, be friends with him, and cause trouble. Also, Torin Leary really wants his quidditch captain to bug and badger about practices and strategies.

Amycus Carrow: Rodolphus really wants and needs his fellow year-mate. He needs a friend who is not is competitor Lucius! Bellatrix also really wants an Amycus for her own evil ideas.

Prewitt Twins: Not only because their older sister is at Hogwarts, but Sirius thinks he could really use the twins for his own pranking purposes!

Also seeking a line for Rylett. Looking for a bold female to make Rylett realize she likes girls as well as guys. Rylett is a 4th year Hufflepuf and is currently 15 years old. So any 4th ot 5th year female, canon or OC would work great!

X-Posted everywhere.
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[info]bumpshunted! [25 Aug 2009|04:45pm]
Hiii :) I'm Alicia and I play Narcissa Malfoy, mother of Draco and resident Society Queen at [info]bumpshunted (via the mod journal, [info]bumpers, a canon marauder-era rpg :D It's currently August 1980 in game, and plotting is underfoot!

Narcissa desperately needs SOCIETY LADIES and DEATH EATERS! Our Malfoys/Lestranges/Rosiers would love to have more to plot dastardly schemes with (and attend parties with, of course), and the Order definitely is winning the numbers battle. For example, THE CARROWS would be excellent. But on a good guy note, Alice and baby Neville would also love a FRANK LONGBOTTOM! And finally, the MINISTRY can always use more people, such as DIRK CRESSWELL.
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