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[27 Mar 2009|08:41am]
Hi! I'm Katie, and I just created a new Postwarts Trio era game! It's called [info]postbellumrpg, via [info]postbellummod, and the premise is raelly simple! 3 years after the final fall of Voldemort, 2001, the Wizarding world is finally moving on and rebuilding themselves! Social game, with opportunity for relationship drama, friend drama and even some darker stuff thrown in! We're really there to have a good time, release our plotbunnies and little muses into the world =]

Anyway, I have six characters! Oliver Wood [info]osw, Ginny Weasley [info]gweas, Allison Montgomery [info]amont, Theodore Nott [info]tsnott, Mandy Brocklehurst [info]mbrock, & Hannah Abbott [info]habbs! We're opening Monday the 30th, and we've already got a bundle of characters ready and rearing to go, and we'd love to see YOU there!

The following would be enjoyed:

Bill Weasley for his youngest siblings! Obviously, who doesn't love the eldest Weasley? And with that, we'd need his wife, Fleur Delacour-Weasley! They'd have their first kidlett, no?

Charlie & Percy Weasley! More Weasley's! George & Ginny are in game, and Ron's coming, so let's complete the family! Audrey, Percy's future wife would be more than welcomed.

Angelina Johnson, definitely for her two ex-Gryffindor Chaser girlfriends and Oliver, too! But of course, George would love to see her. And also, a little Lee Jordan, perhaps? George would love a partner in crime, I'm sure.

Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini & Marcus Flint because who doesn't love some Slytherins?

Dennis Creevey because I have a secret love for him.

Justin Finch-Fletchley Hannah would love one of her best buddies!

Narcissa Malfoy for her sister, Andromeda! She'd love to see if her sister has changed since she saved Harry Potter XD And we have a Draco coming in, hopefully, and so that means we'd love to see Lucius Malfoy as well!

Parvati & Padma Patil for classmates and friends!

The Character list can be found there, as well as the PB faces, rules, application, character jobs & as always, a nifty disclaimer! We'd love to see you there so you should check it out!
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[27 Mar 2009|11:29am]
Hell good people of IJ! I'm the mod over yonder at [info]lifeinlondon and we're looking for some new characters to add to our growing cast! Right now, we're specifically looking for BOYS! First and foremost, Life in London is a small community with a limited character list. We opened the characters we thought people would want to play the most, and some we're just hoping to see played. Some of the characters are cycled monthly and changed with who the other players of the game are hoping to see! The game focuses on character development and socializing after the war and after the cleanup. Muggle and wizarding folk are learning how to to live in harmony with one another and doing the best they can to be successful at it!

Right now, we have 16 out of 28 characters in play and we would LOVE filling that up some more if we can! It's a very open, friendly, easy going game and we're looking to fill up as much as we can before we expand even more!

Terry Boot, Roger Davies, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini are the boys we're hoping to see the most. We only need two more boys before we lift the cap on female applications. With that said, we'll be needing some girls eventually, too! Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Lavender Brown, and Alicia Spinnet are the only girls we need to see before our circle of love is complete.

You can check out our character list here and we hope to see you soon!
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Looking for Players! [27 Mar 2009|06:40pm]
Hi Everyone! I'm Jess, a mod at [info]charing_cross, a post-DH game set in 2003. We're a lively, friendly bunch with lively, friendly characters. There's no large underlying plot to [info]charing_cross, instead we are relying on players to create and follow-through their own smaller plots, with a monthly game-wide plot thrown in (for example, in Februrary there was a Charms mishap that turned boys into girls and girls into boys and currently there is a March blizzard stranding people in Diagon Alley together, and in April there will be a charity function of some kind with an auction and a Hogwarts reunion in May!) We're currently looking to recast several key characters, however each of the characters has been played little in game and only a few aspects of their characterizations will have to remain the same:

Theodore Nott owns a small bookshop in Diagon Alley and has currently reunited with his best friend from Hogwarts Lisa Turpin. Both Theo and Lisa are up for recasting so it will be up to their new players to decide what to do with them.

Lisa Turpin has recently returned from a Charms apprenticeship abroad and has started working at the Ministry in the Experimental Charms division with her good friend Terry Boot. She's recently met up with Theodore Nott, who disappeared after snogging her one night in their 7th year. Both Theo and Lisa are up for recasting so it will be up to their new players to decide what to do with them.

Hermione Granger is missed desperately by her two best friends Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry ahve started dating recently and really miss their friend Hermione. Hermione works as a lawyer/activist in the Magical Creatures department at the Ministry and has recently been in and out of town on business meetings in France.

George Weasley recently came out of his shell enough to reconnect with his best mate Lee Jordan, but seems to have gone back into his cave (aka WWW) for some reason. Lee (along with Ron & Harry) would really like to see George again, and help him get back to the loveable prankster they know and adore.

Non-recasted characters who would be adored by the game are Parvati Patil (Dean, Lavender and Seamus miss you!), Luna Lovegood (Ginny & Neville would like their friend around, and Dean would like to discuss a romantic backstory of sorts), lots more Slytherins (Tracey Davis in particular, though Slytherin males are lacking in the extreme!), Hufflepuffs (Megan Jones is very lonely! Hannah Abbott where are you?!). Oh, okay, the game can always use more Ravenclaws and Gryffindors as well.

So, if you're a lively, fun player who likes to take the time to create relationships in and out of games, [info]charing_cross is likely for you! Take a look around, visit [info]charingmods for all the nitty gritty details and join us today! We'd love to have you and your pups come and play!
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