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Looking for Characters to fill an SL [26 Mar 2009|11:22am]
Name: Shell
Game: Connotation @ [info]connotation_mod
Format: Thread-based mostly
Genre: AU Marauder Era where THE MUGGLES FIND OUT! Death Eaters, this is your chance to shine. You lot may have been right all along.
Who you're in search of (and list as many as you want/need!{:
Dude. You. Bellatrix-player. I see you. Why aren't you applying here? And Lucius player, the same goes to you! Rabastan and Rodolphus players, I can't believe you're just twiddling your thumbs and not applying to Connotation.

And YOU, Arthur Weasley-player. How can you let him leave his pregnant wife alone to raise three children, especially when she's about to have two more? For shame. How can you live with yourself? And where are all the other member of the Ministry?Better question, where are all of our double agents? Ministry members who double as Death Eaters, like Yaxley and Rookwood? Where is one Severus Snape? A Marauder game with no Severus. SURELY I JEST RIGHT? No sir, no ma'am I do not. We have tons of roles open.

Really, just take a look here and see all the available characters. Incredibly popular characters, even! We're waiting until we get fifteen characters to open, so come on in, join the party and maybe you can be lucky number fifteen, and we'll love you forever!

We're a bunch of fun OOC already and honestly can't wait to write with each other. So what are YOU waiting for?
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Looking for Characters to fill an SL [26 Mar 2009|11:36am]
Game: The Death Eater Reform Project: [info]derp_mod
Format: Threading/AIM based
Genre: Post-war, Canon up to the end of DH, not including the Epilogue.
Who you're in search of (and list as many as you want/need!{:
Let me direct you to our most wanted list. These are the character we would love most to help further plot and to have instant connections with other characters. To be specific: Angelina's going through a rough spot and could really use her best mates Katie and Alicia around. The Weasley family could definitely use completion: Arthur, Molly, Percy, Charlie? We need you! We need original characters too! Beau Petit, Aislin Moore - these two are close to Kingsley Shacklebolt and would be awesome to have. More former Inquisitorial Squad members would be ace as well, like Daphne, Theodore, and Millicent.

But that's not all. Check the character list! We could anyone there, including more originals. The more the merrier and the sooner the better. There's going to be a big event coming up soon, a chance for those on house arrest to get out and mingle. And who knows what will happen then? Come join us and be a part of a revolution!
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[26 Mar 2009|05:09pm]
I'm looking for something specific and not specific at the same time, so please bear with me!

- Harry Potter, Trio-ish Era; i.e. not Marauders, not Nextgen, but I'm not super picky about pre/post war, epilogue compliant, pre/post Hogwarts.
- Canon. Or very close to canon.
- IJ only please.
- Third person, thread/interaction based, not linked journals/magic parchments/etc.
- Reasonably active game, low on ooc drama.
- Not-yet-open, opened in the last three months, or has some sort of easy way to catch up on what I've missed.
- Emphasis on something other than shipping - NO arranged marriage games. I'm not adverse to shipping in a game, but would prefer to not have it be the focus of my character.
- A character that's very much wanted, who hopefully has half a dozen (or more) characters to plot/play with. If they have a "counterpart" of sorts (eg. Narcissa & Lucius, Crabbe & Goyle, Parvati & Lavender/Padma), having them already cast would be a huge plus.

Basically, I would like to pick up the one character that most needs to be filled at a fun, mellow game. I've been active in at least one RPG for the last year and a half, writing as a hobby for the ten or so years before that. Characters I've played previously can be found here along with sample applications, and though I'm interested in the idea of playing someone new I'm not adverse to the idea of reprising someone either (though currently, my Remus muse is all but burnt out). So, hit me with a description of that one special character you need, maybe a bit about the game, or any questions you might have for me, and I'll look things over! :) Thank you!
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