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Life in London; in character

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Posted on the 24th of April 24th, 2009

WHO: Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass.
WHERE: Theodore's flat.
WHEN: 24 April, mid-afternoon.
WHY: to visit him and do friend stuff, like talk!
RATING: tbd.
STATUS: closed, incomplete.

these bandages cover more than scrapes, cuts, and bruises )

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Posted on the 22nd of April 22nd, 2009

Who: Owen Cauldwell and Armand Summerby
What: Late Night Floo
When: April 22nd, 11:00 pm
Where: Their Westminster Flat
Rating: PG-13 (in bed)
Status: Closed | Incomplete

A voice like his father's burst from the mantle. )

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Posted on the 22nd of April 22nd, 2009

Who: Armand Summerby and Susan Bones
What: Stopping by to say hello
When: April 22nd late afternoon
Where: Armand and Owen's place
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

I come bearing cake )

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Posted on the 19th of April 19th, 2009

Who: Susan Bones and Alexander Vasiey
Where: Kaffecinos
When: Late afternoon Sunday
What: Random run in
Rating: Low, PG-13 to be safe
Status: Incomplete

I know you, you're famous )

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Posted on the 31st of March 31st, 2009


w h o : draco malfoy & pansy parkinson
n p c : lucius & narcissa malfoy, various elves
w h a t : dinner chez malfoy
w h e n : tuesday • 31 march 2001 | 8 pm -> ?
w h e r e : malfoy manor, wiltshire, uk
w a r n i n g : tba
s t a t u s : incomplete

insert witty thing here )


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Posted on the 28th of March 28th, 2009

WHO: Zach and Daphne
WHERE: Early evening: Their loft.
RATING: PG?[May be changed]
STATUS: Closed; In Progress.

We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts. )

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Posted on the 17th of March 17th, 2009

WHO; Vicky & Andrew
WHERE; the zooooo!
WHEN; now, dammit!
RATING; pretty low, i assume
STATUS; closed/ incomplete

you're in the mood for a dance )

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draco malfoy et npc [
Posted on the 14th of March 14th, 2009

[ mood | mischievous ]

w h o : draco malfoy et famille
n p c : narcissa malfoy à la moi
w h a t : draco stops by home to talk with his mother about pansy
w h e n : friday 13 march 2001 | 10 am
w h e r e : malfoy manor
w a r n i n g : tba
s t a t u s : complete

Draco changed into something specifically unsuitable... )


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Posted on the 5th of March 5th, 2009

we are

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