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[10 Feb 2009|08:30am]
Hello. I'm looking for Rabastan Lestrange to come and join [info]snitched. We are a very high paced game with a lot of plot. Rabastan is recently married to the former Madam Edgecombe. He has instant plot within the Death Eaters, his wife, his brother and sister in law and the Ministry.

[info]snitched is a dark game with a large about of violence, pain, struggles and all that fun stuff. We also have a large number of characters available if you're not interested in playing a bad boy. Please come check us out.
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[10 Feb 2009|10:20am]
TO THE MANCAVE, Terry! Oh, wait, you're not around yet are you?

Hello! I'm an amazingly friendly player at a brand new game, [info]heroing, and I'm looking for some characters to join my Anthony.

Specifically TERRY BOOT. He is wanted for an epic bromance with his buds, Anthony & Michael. We have it that the three of them recently pooled their money to buy a fixer-uper house together. You know, a man project! But... lately it seems like there is less fixing and more complaining. No really, its okay that the water is green. Does it really matter if there are a few holes in the roof? Please - they are men. They can handle it! Terry - there are a pile of dishes piling up for you! Hey, it's not their fault he wasn't around to claim "not it".

Anthony would also really hate love to see his ex-wife around. You remember don't you? They were drunk and near an all-night chapel. Hey, it sounded like an amazing idea at the time. So what if they didn't really get along well for the majority of their marriage? They were friends in school! It seemed like it would work... (Character is open to be pretty much any ex-DA member or ex-Claw/Puff/Gryffindor).

Did I mention that Anthony is a Healer? And a skeezy one at that. No really, he was suppose to touch her there... yes, yes it was part of a routine examine. You don't agree? Oh come on. Please don't turn him in!

Anthony isn't the only one wanting other characters around either. Michael, naturally, seconds his desire for Terry (not like that, you pervs!). Apparently Michael also thinks there should be another Auror-type around. And lets not even talk about what that weirdo, Theodore Nott, would like to see.

So, come join me at Heroing! It's a post-DH game. TERRY!!
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[10 Feb 2009|04:05pm]

I am here on behalf of my character, Andromeda Tonks who is missing her husband TED TONKS at [info]crackitup via [info]crackaddict. There is some backstory for the character including the fact that the Tonks' had been in hiding for about 20 years after their eldest daughter Nymphadora was presumed dead during an attack on their house by Death Eaters. During this time the couple managed to have two more children; Thomas Tonks and Persephone Tonks who are 17 and 13 (almost 14) respectively. They are both in play, including their elder sister Nymphadora. Around October of 1995 the family decided to come out of hiding when Bill Weasley and Remus Lupin went looking for them in Ireland.. The Tonks' received word that the daughter they thought was dead was actually alive and well, but had been taken in by Andromeda's mother Druella for breeding purposes. Now fed up with the Death Eaters and no longer wanting to hide from the truth, Andromeda has joined the Order and wants Ted to follow along, but that would be up to any future muns!
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[10 Feb 2009|04:42pm]
Hello! I'm here from the game [info]befuddlement, a slightly au game that began on January 1! We've been going strong and we'd still love to see a bunch of canon characters! The students have been out of shcool since June, but the Ministry has ordered them to stay there over summer, even the leaving class of 1997. They will be leaving for home in a week, but classes start up again September 1 for them! We're a fun, friendly and active group of players that love developing new friendships and take everything seriously. The game is great and we've had nothing but fun since the game opened!

Specifically, we're looking for THEODORE NOTT, DRACO MALFOY, PANSY PARKINSON, BLAISE ZABINI, LUNA LOVEGOOD, ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN, KEVIN ENTWHISTLE, CORMAC MCLAGGEN, KATIE BELL, KENNETH TOWLER, SEAMUS FINNIGAN, NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, JIMMY PEAKES, COLIN CREEVEY and many, many more! We have a big character list with a lot of really great characters still opened. It can be found here and we have a wanted list that can be found here!

We'd love to see any and everyone, but right now we're looking for some more boys and definitely some more Slytherins! The students start classes on September first and from then on it'll be a DH compliant game, but with some slight au twists! Come check us out and we hope to see you all soon!
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[10 Feb 2009|05:07pm]
Oh me. Oh my. I'm Stephanie.

I play Katie Bell at this LOVELY game called Euterpe's Corner on LJ.

Katie would really love to see Angelina Johnson there. Alicia ran off and got married, and she needs some womanly advice when the boys cause trouble. Lee Jordan would appreciate Angie's company as well. And anyone wanting to tackle former Slytherin Quidditch players, like Marcus Flint, because I'm sure Oliver would like more stress in his life. Or Miles would like familiar company. Besides, we're lacking in the Slytherin department anyways. :O

So please, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. Current cast in play is here.

Pretty please with sugar on top? :]
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