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[09 Feb 2009|01:36pm]
Hi! I play Leanne Meriwether at [info]befuddlement, a 7th year Harry Potter RPG. I'm looking for two characters to complete Leanne's circle:

Katie Bell, so that Leanne can have her best friend around. I'm not partial to any PB.

Geoffrey Hooper. Leanne has a HUGE crush on him. For his PB I would love either Michael Cassidy or Zach Gilford.

Lea is going to be on the run soon because she's Muggleborn and her attempts at fudging her family tree will be unsuccessful. I would love it if she could be on the run with Geoffrey (and Katie!) and she's going to be receiving her first kiss during this time. She'd love it to be Geoffrey but I'm not partial to any certain guy.

If you're interested please feel free to IM me on aim at unravelleddreams. Thanks!
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[09 Feb 2009|05:49pm]
Hi Hi. I'm Holly, and I'm here looking for a couple of people for [info]bravenew_rpg. Brave New RPG is a next gen game that is Hogwarts centric and is one of the most just plain enjoyable games I've been in.

I play Saoirse McLaggen, daughter of Marietta and Cormac McLaggen, Michael Bletchley son of Miles Bletchley and stepbrother of Fred and Roxanne Weasley, and Brooke Church, a Muggleborn.

I'm here looking for a couple of characters to fill SL's, namely:

Eoghan McLaggen - A fourth year, Eoghan is Saoirse's younger brother and her sometimes enemy/sometimes partner in crime. We don't have alot of fourth years in game and I'd love to have him around. Saoirse is head girl and yet she's always trying to get Eoghan to do dirty work for her, such as sneaking another girl's jumper into the dorm room of her roomate Brooke's boyfriend to cause trouble between them. He's pretty much a blank slate, I've just said that they sometimes argue but always present a united front to their parents or enemies.

Peter Holmes - Seventh Year Gryffindor Prefect, Muggleborn, and Michael Bletchley's best friend and roommate. Their other roommates included Fred Weasley (Michael's stepbrother that hates him) and James Potter (who hates him on principle) so it would be great for him to have a best mate.

Michael is a big lug, head of the Gryffindor Cheer Squad, and all in all a nice bloke but a bit dim.

The game in general is also looking for a couple of great characters, namely Pascal Zabini (genius fifth year Slytherin and brother of Head Ditz Renee) as well as Marty McFly Poke and Claire Molly Poke, (sixth year Hufflepuff and fourth year Ravenclaw respectively) whose brother Bruce was just killed in a freak Quidditch accident.

So if you're looking for a fun game environment, give it a try, that's [info]bravenew_rpg! You can find all the info at [info]bravenew_mod
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The Gossip Witch! [09 Feb 2009|06:17pm]
Hello everyone! My name is Amy and I am one of the mods at [info]thegossipwitch. The Gossip Witch is a fun and energetic game which is post-Deathly Hallows and non-epilogue compliant (though you're free to follow epilogue if you want). Our premise is drawn from the hit TV show (and book series) "Gossip Girl": An unknown witch has taken to publishing the goings-on of all the characters in game, even things she shouldn't be able to know. She also doesn't hesitate to post rumors with even only a grain of truth to them.

We are looking for ENERGETIC and CREATIVE players who are willing to play in a FUN and FAST-PACED game and aren't afraid to jump right in.

As for characters, we are looking for DRAMATIC and ORIGINAL characters who are capable of GETTING INVOLVED with all the other characters and doing their best to get written up in the Gossip Witch. We have no issues with characters who are more like dramatizations of real people-- they'd fit in perfectly in our game!

For generic types, we are looking for a few Slytherin Males (to be friends to Adrian Pucey, preferably!), and characters capable of causing rumors and drama (people in the spotlight, people who like to start fights, people who go against the grain, etc). More specifically, we are looking for: Tracey Davis, Marcus Flint, Angelina Johnson, Viktor Krum, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil, Harry Potter and more. For a full list, see our Master Character List.

For all other game info, see the mod journal: [info]gwmod. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here, or e-mail the mod account (gwmods @
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[09 Feb 2009|09:04pm]
Hi there, everyone! My name is Sunny and I play Pansy Parkinson at [info]leftbehind_rpg via [info]relictus. Left Behind is a new, canon, DH-compliant RPG that focuses on the students left to stay at Hogwarts during the timespan of the 7th book and how they deal with the War from within the walls of the school. Since the game only just opened for holds about a week ago, there are still loads of awesome characters available. 

For example... Pansy Parkinson would very much like to see Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis on board. She's got the Head Girl pin and is fully ready to start abusing her powers. Anthony Goldstein has requested his Ravenclaw mates- Michael Corner and Terry Boot- for essay revision parties and such. Ginny, Neville and Luna have placed a call out for anyone willing to undermine authority by joining the DA. We'd also love to see more characters with strong political leanings- either pro-blood supremacy or against. Also available are Lavender Brown, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Zacharias Smith, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Padma Patil... and more!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the mods at Hope to see you around and have a nice day!

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