Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - November 24th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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November 24th, 2012

Lord of the Rings [Nov. 24th, 2012|06:10 am]
Aragorn would love some members of the Fellowship as well as other filthy humans and less-than-filthy elves over at [info]doors.
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[Nov. 24th, 2012|10:35 am]
[info]chicagolicious is a private group storyline community, based in none other than the beautiful windy city – otherwise known as Chicago, Illinois. We would like to pride ourselves in being laid back and open to creativity. Though we do have a few guidelines to follow, we don’t have the average activity requirements. This group was initially created for a handful of writers looking to build a storyline together. However, we are definitely very welcoming to the idea of others joining in on the fun with us!

Our adds are set to occur every Sunday. If you are interested in being a part of a relaxed, yet mature group then by all means please feel free to check out this group and apply today!


3 Apps already in for tomorrow night's adds!!
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[Nov. 24th, 2012|05:47 pm]


hotelhell )
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[Nov. 24th, 2012|08:14 pm]


I've been marathoning Alien movies and would really love to play something in space. Rather than play something in the Alien franchise, however, I'd like to play something with some original world building. Other sci fi sources to draw inspiration from include Battlestar Galactica, Terminator and Firefly.

Perhaps an android and alien are on the run and have hitched a ride on a ship filled with space mercenaries? Perhaps they crash on a deserted Earth? I'm open to ideas!
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Friends and Bandmates Wanted! [Nov. 24th, 2012|09:59 pm]


Looking for LA-based guy/girl/gay/straight friends (OCs with The Glee Project PBs). One of the things that Puck wants to do in his new city is form a band, but he doesn't have any good friends yet.

Puck is also missing the following:

1. Santana - Dude needs his female bestie.

2. Mercedes - Dude also needs his roommate. The apartment is in her name and he's currently camping out on her couch.

3. Artie, Joe, and Unique - Artie for talking about rock music with, Joe for discussing religious philosophy, and Unique to give him fashion advice. (Kurt has given up.)

4. Brody and Kitty - Apart from needing friends, dude also needs some enemies :-p

This is for [info]wmhigh, a journal-/AIM-based Glee group PSL. We're an active, almost-year-old pseudo-canon game, meaning writers consider canon backgrounds and story arcs, but have the flexibility to explore their characters more deeply than might be revealed in the show. Apart from scenes, there are writing challenges and weekly discussions to keep players engaged.

If interested, please look here to find out more about the game, ask questions, or drop off your application. (Other characters are also up for grabs!) You can also join [info]opencalls to discuss character ideas and possible lines with other players before applying.
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