Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 28th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 28th, 2012

[Mar. 28th, 2012|09:22 am]


Hola good people! I come to you from a little game called The Gateway (via [info]gatewaymods, which is a panfandom, based in the Magician's mansion from Chronicles of Narnia. We're hella chill, no posting requirements (other than, you know, do it) and no character limit. Plus, if there's a character you want to play that's already in game? that's totes fine! We allow up to five versions of any one character.

That being said. I have a bit of an extensive wants list. I know. Call me crazy.

cut for length )

Feel free to comment here, or just drop by and apply! Even if none of these characters interest you, we'd still love to have you!
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Sons of Anarchy [Mar. 28th, 2012|09:57 am]


I refuse to believe that there isn't someone out there who's interested in SOA lines, maybe even forming a group if things work out. I was dead set on not picking up any more guys, but since I'm not very successful with finding partners for my PSLs (still looking *hinthint*) I figured I'd give in to temptation.

So. If you're interested in any lines set in the SOA-verse? Let me know. I'm wide open when it comes to characters, let's discuss.
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[Mar. 28th, 2012|05:33 pm]


Looking to get some of the lines here filled. If interested, drop a comment in the journal.
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