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Writers Wanted

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March 27th, 2012

Calling all Young Avengers! [Mar. 27th, 2012|11:27 am]


WANTED! One gay, Jewish, superhero fanboy who can cast magical spells! Answers to the name Billy Kaplan, but also goes by Wiccan.

Here's the deal, I recently picked up Tommy Shepherd (a.k.a. Speed) over at New Alliance (via [info]bat_mod) and would love to see Billy in the game. (How else can Tommy harass his twin?) There's a ton of teens and magic users so Billy would have plot everywhere. Not to mention there's an awesome Wanda player to boot. (Pietro is also open if anyone's interested on that front. Wink wink, nudge nudge.)

And before I forget about the rest of the team, we already have a Kate but Eli, Teddy, Cassie, Jonas and Nathaniel would all be welcome. New Alliance is a DC/Marvel fusion game so there's tons of teenagers to interact with. And don't worry if DC isn't your thing, in depth knowledge isn't a requirement. If you have questions, feel free to comment here (screened) or PM me. (I'd also be up for PB negotiations if necessary!)
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