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December 3rd, 2011

Seeking a Mycroft [Dec. 3rd, 2011|01:24 pm]
Searching for: Mycroft Holmes from the BBC "Sherlock"

I will gladly play John Watson, Sherlock or Anthea opposite of him.

I hesitate on playing him against Lestrade but that's only because I don't quite know how that pairing would work. But I understand that they're fairly popular pairing in fandom so I could easily be persuaded with the right SL idea.

The only one Im not really keen to play him opposite of is Moriarty.

(...also, if anyone plays Anthea that would like a Mycroft to play against, I'd be willing to try. Their potential relationship dynamic intrigues me and I'd love to explore it.)
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[Dec. 3rd, 2011|09:20 pm]
It's saturday night, I'm bored. Does anyone wanna play? hit me up on aim @ dreamsweconspire. Hope to hear from you!
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