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December 2nd, 2011

[Dec. 2nd, 2011|11:33 am]


This adorable guy is one Frank Longbottom.  Frank is the perfect gentleman.  Of course, he was raised by Augusta Longbottom, so she kept him in line from a young age- but, really, Frank likes being chivalrous.  True gentlemen are a dying breed, and he's proud to uphold the tradition.

But right now, Frank just really misses his Alice.  You know, the Future-Mrs-Longbottom?  Future super-BAMF-Auror and future mother-of-BAMF-Neville?  That Alice.  Of course, they're just students right now (Frank is a 7th year Hufflepuff), but it's all got to start somewhere, right?

Come check out Confundo, if you're bringing an amazing Alice or anyone else- we'd love to have you!
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[Dec. 2nd, 2011|11:34 am]
Check my journal for ideas.
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[Dec. 2nd, 2011|04:37 pm]


A Sherlock for my John? Slash or bromance. Plot wanted. Been busy lately, but trying again now that my time has freed up!
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