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October 29th, 2011

[Oct. 29th, 2011|03:40 am]


In search of an active Batman (Bruce Wayne) player for a DC only game. We would prefer a comicsverse version over Nolanverse, but this can be discussed if the player has at least some Batman comicsverse knowledge. If you think you might be interested please contact me here. Thank you.
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|08:49 am]


Searching for a needle in a haystack here.

I'm looking to play Snape in any of the following:

Snape/Remus Lupin (MWPP Era)
Snape/HP (Trio era)
Snape/Draco (Trio through Epilogue era)

Now the specifics )
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|08:37 pm]


Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year.  The game is still new, but it's been a lot of fun so far!  We're looking for a few characters to join in...

  • Mundungus Fletcher-- I play his younger sister, an OC named Moira (via [info]hocusfocus).  I haven't given much information about the siblings' relationship in Moira's history, though I imagine they're rather different, given that Moira is studious and artistic and Mundungus is, well, Hogwarts' resident criminal mastermind/petty thief/gillyweed dealer.  Or whatever he is, at age seventeen, that's up to you!  Either way, I think he would be an amazing character to have around, and anyone apping him would have my eternal love and gratitude.  ♥

  • There are a lot of other OC siblings that other players would love, as well!  Apollo Selwyn (brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Marlowe McKinnon (brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly), and Constance Moran (sister of Melissa, via [info]melissamoran)!  And a not-so-OC, Amelia Bones (sister of Edgar, via [info]eddiebo)!

  • Severus Snape-- I don't think this one needs explaining, really!  Come bother the Marauders, especially now that James is Head Boy and can't do anything as much to retaliate!

  • Peter Pettigrew-- Finish out the Marauders!  Come play before you turned into a backstabbing rat!  Funtimes for sure.

  • In general, we really need Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and 6th year students!
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