Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 28th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 28th, 2011

Batman: Arkham City [Oct. 28th, 2011|09:06 am]


Spoilers behind the cut!
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I just keep trying. [Oct. 28th, 2011|01:01 pm]
I'm looking for a closed poly kinky foursome between this gorgeous man, Michael Shanks, Claudia Black, and Lexa Doig to eventually join me at [info]elysianmods. (Right now I have them all held, but they are definitely not taken!)

Tall order, right? I figure I might as well go for the gold, lol. The relationship between all four would be closed to outsiders, but fairly open amongst the four of them, so a mix of het, slash, and femme.

I would definitely prefer to do some trial runs amongst anyone interested before we move to the community, just to make sure we all gel and everyone's comfortable.

Interested? Not quite sure? I bring videos. Ben kissing Michael at Comic Con, Claudia's lips have no other purpose but to eat chocolate and kiss Ben, longer scene of the previous one, and Michael takes Lexa to a strip joint and as an added bonus, how Lexa tries not to keep Michael from getting a big head.
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Homestuck RPers wanted? [Oct. 28th, 2011|03:47 pm]
Just for my Jade muse here. I prefer using my journal for RPing, but if you have a game in mind, I might look at it. Depends on what characters are in said game. I'm looking mostly for a Dave, but I'll work with the other three too, and the trolls!

I'm up for anything, be it chat posts like in Homestuck, or lit paragraph RP. My userinfo has it all, really.

So if you're interested reader, comment and let me know. Maybe we can discuss it here, or via email? Just drop a comment and I'll get back to you! <3
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|03:51 pm]
Check my journal, to see what I'm looking for.
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|05:18 pm]



Looking for my guardians, Gullwings and anyone else from (any) Final Fantasy!
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|05:47 pm]
Is there anyone out there interested in a long-term psl partner? I'm really interested in starting something with my Song Hye Kyo Pb here. Like, seriously committed, no flakes. If it goes well enough, we can get other stories going, and I'll play someone for you. -A back and fourth type deal. :D
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