Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 3rd, 2011

[Oct. 3rd, 2011|01:27 am]
Hello there! Not sure how much success I'll have with this idea, but I'm looking to play Stiles against a Derek Hale from MTV's Teen Wolf. (Though I'd be more then willing to play Derek instead) I can't say I'd give the show five gold stars, but some of the characters really stuck out to me. These two the most!

My idea for a psl was inspired by this youtube video, where Derek pretty much has the hots for Stiles, and is quite pissed about it. Everything about the kid annoys him, and yet he's all he can think about. Where as Stiles is just completely confused as hell by Derek's hot and cold behavior. I think these two could bring a lot of humor, drama, smut, and fluff all in one amazing line! XD
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|10:36 am]

nightingails; a supernaturally gifted storyline
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|11:48 am]
Check the journal, please.
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|02:34 pm]
[info]thedarkestyears is a Marauder Era game set in 1980. Our aim is to play out the final year of the war, to explore character relationships, to discover why things happened a certain way. We are a social-plot based game with the opportunity for you to play out character relationships but at the same time focusing on the war. We are allowing players to go AU if desire such as having Lily and James live longer than they did in canon etc.

We are after many major characters such as Millicent Bagnold and Albus Dumbledore, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Amycus and Alecto, Death Eaters, Neutrals, Fudge, Alice Longbottom and Lucius Malfoy among others.
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|02:34 pm]


Still looking to do a long term PSL. I want to explore everything so looking to plot things with others as well and see where the characters take us! More information is Here! Need a Spike, Angel(us), Faith, Wes, open to others as well. Not a lot written in stone as I just want people that like the idea and want to play with it!
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|05:38 pm]


Looking for an Alex O'loughlin PB to play her boss in a line inspired by the movie Flashbacks of a Fool. More info in the journal.
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