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Writers Wanted

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October 2nd, 2011

[Oct. 2nd, 2011|03:40 am]





College is generally considered the place where you choose your path in life. The experiences gained, the memories made, and the challenges overcome are what define a person, for better or worse. A degree from Davis University guarantees your pick of jobs in your field upon graduation, and with all of the activities and organizations on campus, each student is likely to have an impressive CV by the end of their four, five, or six year program.

Entrance into Davis University is peculiar to say the least. Every student is accepted for a reason, though that reason might not be readily obvious. Each student that passes through the university doors changes, for good or for bad. There is unlimited potential in not only the students, but also the professors. DU is a multi-national, multi-lingual cultural hub brimming with activity.

Students of Davis University are welcome to play a variety of sports, participate in various clubs, or become members of the prevalent Greek system. Not to mention the litany of degrees and programs offered to students. A handful of incredibly capable young men and women undertake an intense six year program resulting in a Doctorate, or completing three major programs in five years. Anything is possible at Davis University, and the staff is dedicated to learning, both in and out of the classroom.

Inspirations are characters inspired by Media. This includes: Books, Television, Movies, Comics, Cartoons, Video Games, Plays, Opera, Fairytales, Music, etc. In some cases there can be two versions - if the characterizations are noticeably different (i.e. Disney Fairytales vs. The Grimm Brothers).

Inspired is also Original Character friendly!

Most Wanted: DC/Marvel Comics Essences, His Dark Materials Essences, MS Paint Adventure's Homestuck Essences, Professors, Administrators.

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[Oct. 2nd, 2011|11:36 am]


I'm looking for other characters from the BBC Sherlock series to play against my "Anthea" here. I know she was only in the first episode, but she's such a BAMF, I couldn't resist. I would really love a Mycroft Holmes or John Watson, because I was inspired by some fan fics and I have a few ideas in mind. However, a Sherlock Holmes, Lestrade, or even Moriarty would be lovely, too! I love plot, so this certainly does not have to be 'shipping' lines. (However, slipping in some romance with the mystery and intrigue can be fun, too.) Let me know if you're interested and I'm sure we can come up with something brilliant!
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[Oct. 2nd, 2011|12:05 pm]

[info]burning_mod | [info]burning_moon | [info]burningmoon_ooc


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[Oct. 2nd, 2011|06:50 pm]
I want a schmoopy Dean/Cas line. I'm fed up of being miserable. Any takers?

x-posted, sorry.
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[Oct. 2nd, 2011|08:30 pm]


Femme lines? It's October and my love for horror is rearing its ugly head, so apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic lines, zombies, supernatural and Lovecraftian horror, etc. are all welcome.

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[Oct. 2nd, 2011|11:22 pm]
[info]broadcastmods I have people that need friends! So far the whole Smallville, Angel/Buffy, and Vampire Diaries people are all alone. Looking for any characters from these fandoms to join my pups already in play!
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