Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - August 11th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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August 11th, 2011

[Aug. 11th, 2011|05:03 am]
Dominic Cobb, Temperance "Bones" Brennan, Remus Lupin, and Buffy Summers would really be loved over at the panfandom comm [info]f_rogers. I also have a character needing a storyline that, really, could be filled by any number of characters.

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[Aug. 11th, 2011|11:50 pm]


I can't be the only one looking towards the beginning of the school year and feeling scared shitless. Time to stock up on lines? Most definitely.

This isn't your standard request, so pause a moment and read before you scroll past. I'm a het and femme loving writer, who plays males and females. I'm looking to mainly pick up original lines right now, in a variety of themes and settings. The catch? Well, there's two. One - I don't touch smut. If it's your thing, that's fine and dandy. Me? I fade to black only. Two - I'm looking for writing partners more then lines. People who I'm just as happy to chat with as tag in on, who'll help brainstorm awesome and amazing ideas, encourage creativity, and possibly lend a shoulder with the school year ahead. People who write characters and lines of all sorts - a range in genders and identities - and are open to more then one line.

Beyond that? I'm open. Have you been looking for someone similar? Drop me a line. Been hungering for a dark line? A fluffy one? Have a weird schedule so can only tag once a week? Online all the time and need that input? Have this-really-obscure-fandom-but-I-have-to-run-it-by-you-and-possibly-enable? Go for it. I'm looking for people in similar positions and who want the same thing I do. All you need to do is drop me a line here or in my journal. Naming three things you're interested in (For example...dreams, angst, and present tense...or Harry Potter, bands, and fluff) and a name to call you by would rock. Any three things. Heck, tell me three random things about you. Give me something to work with while I make a screened post for us.

I do have examples I can show and will probably ask for the same. Please bring your imagination and enthusiasm!
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