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August 10th, 2011

[Aug. 10th, 2011|10:55 am]
Is there anybody out there who would be interested in doing a PSL between Sam Merlotte and Tommy Mickens from True Blood? The idea I have is for Sam becoming even darker when he takes in his half wit brother who is constantly trying to seduce him. Tommy, having been sexually abused by Joe Lee, is a little messed up when it comes to showing others love and affection. I'd like this line to be dark, full of smut but with a solid plot for us to play out. I'm open to playing either and would prefer if it were done over threading.
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[Aug. 10th, 2011|11:04 am]


We are immortal


American Fury. Justice Belle. Top Kid. Grenade Flash. These are the names of legends.

A group of super powered heroes who, during the Depression years of the 1930s, banded together in the name of truth, justice, and humanitarianism, to inspire hope among the average man. Together they founded the Justice Society, dedicating every day to the service of helping those who could not help themselves. They took on the responsibility of using their abilities to foster a philosophy of goodness, and took an oath to protect the helpless and the needy. But good could not exist without evil. The Justice Society soon found themselves in confrontation with a villainous enemy known only as The Master. The Master gathered his own team of powered individuals for the sake of evil, corruption, greed, and, above all, power. They were colloquially termed The Elite, for their harsh criticism of less valuable super powers and their xenophobic superiority over nonpowered people.

Then, on July 28, 2011, everything changed. As The Master lied on his death bed, he used the remaining bit of his strength and power to make one more lasting impression upon mankind. He ripped open a hole in the fabric of time and brought countless generations of heroes, both presently living and deceased, from varying points in history, into a single unprepared present.

Golden Age Heroes meet Silver Age Villains. Silver Age Heroes meet Modern Age Villains. Common man? Prepare for the next big adventure in superhero lore. This will definitely make the history books.

Most Wanted

As this is a brand new game, we're actively seeking heroes and villains from all ages, including Justice Belle and Christopher Greene.

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[Aug. 10th, 2011|03:18 pm]


Like character development? Plot? Conflict? Harry Potter? MWPP-era? Then have I got the boy for you. Looking for all sorts of lines, all sorts of characters. No preference for het or slash. Respond here or in the journal.
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[Aug. 10th, 2011|06:09 pm]


Seeking a few specific characters to fill plot lines over at Six Degrees, a post-war social game set in 2006:

Astoria Greengrass -- Your elder sister Daphne has inherited the family business, and is trying to pass off a fake engagement to Gabriel Derrick to your mother... yikes!

Katie Bell & Angelina Johnson -- Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley miss you!

Parvati Patil -- You and your sister Padma had been on the outs for a while, but she'd like to make amends now.

Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, and Zacharias Smith -- Wayne Hopkins is the only male Hufflepuff from the trio year around, he needs some guy friends!

Draco Malfoy -- We'd say that Harry Potter wants him around, but we all know that's not true... still, antagonizing the Boy Who's Still Living is reason enough, yes?

Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, and Ron Weasley -- Holy lack of Weasleys, Batman!  George and Ginny are in dire need of their siblings.  (Percy would also have plot from Audrey, his future-baby-mama, with whom he has already had a few dates!)

The game has been around since December 2010, and has a small group of dedicated players-- we'd love to welcome you among them!  You can see our Master Character List as well as our other Wanted Plot.  ♥
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